Jang Gyuri | More

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Well what do you know. There is a chapter.


"I'll be going mom." You told your mother as you walked out of the door. You then looked to your right and noticed your childhood friend, Gyuri.

"Ya! You're gonna go again without me aren't you?! Not this time, Kwon Y/N." Gyuri said as she walked to the front of you in a hurry.

"Come on, Gyuri-ah. I want to have some time for myself." You said as you walked away from her.

"It's been 2 days since you're going to school leaving me walking there alone. I'm lonely you know. I guess you're growing tired of me~" She said to you making you annoyed because that was not the case.

"Ya, it's not like that! It's just... i just want to have some time to think for myself okay?" You answered so she wouldn't get the wrong idea.

You two grew together ever since you were in kindergarten and she was always the smart one. You being younger than her, made your mom told her to teach you about some subjects you weren't good at, which made you two would always meet everyday for long hours.

You never really thought of her as a girl and just thought of her as a dear friend. That is, until she graduated middle school.

You noticed that she looked really pretty while wearing her uniform which made your heart skip a beat. It made you discover a feeling you never thought you had until you started seeing her less as a friend, and more as a woman.

Your feelings grew bigger and bigger to a point where you fell in love with her due to her being caring for you. When you knew that you were already in love with her, it was too little too late.

"Ya. Are you sure you should be walking with me? I mean, your fans will kill me." You teased her. She was no ordinary student, as she has been known for her high ranks. Not only for her high ranks, but also known as the kind beauty.

It gained her a title, which is Flower. Some would say that she's like a flower that's unreachable on top of a mountain. *cough*

"What fans? I don't have any, you stupid." She denied, even though it was clear as day.

"Boys staring at you while you were eating at the cafeteria? Ring a bell?"

"Mm.... no."

"Boys giving you stares as they were melting while you pass them? Remember?"

"Come on, Y/N. You're exaggerating."

"Okay, Gyuri. It's fine if you don't want to believe me."


"Y/N! Let's go for lunch!" You heard Gyuri slid the door to your class making you let out a sigh. The other guys immediately stared at her presence which made you even more annoyed that you got out of the class.

"I got my own lunch." You answered.

"Then let's eat together! I got my own as well." She said as she shook the pack of lunch she had in her hand.

"I'll be eating at the rooftop."

"Then i'll come with you!"

"What about your friends?"

"They could eat by themselves. Saerom would probably be searching for me though."

"Ah~ Saerom-noona." You had Saerom's image in your mind with her beautiful persona. You would've definitely fallen for her by now if you weren't invested in Gyuri.

"Ya." She pinched your arms making you flinch.

"Ow! What was that for?!" You grunted rubbing the spot she pinched.

To All The Girls I Love (Girl Groups x M! Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat