Kim Chaehyun | Short Meeting V

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Xiaoting and Chaehyun were in the middle of the cafeteria, sitting down and eating the lunch that had been prepared for them by none other than the school staff.

Xiaoting occasionally glanced at her friend, as she found that her recent actions were quite odd.

"It's been a while since I last saw you talk with Y/N, Chaehyun-ah."

"Has it?"

"Yeah, usually you'd come up and have a chat with him a bit in any possible situation. Did something happen?"

"Oh, well nothing happened. Shouldn't it be you who's talking with him instead, Xiaoting?"

"What do you mean by that?"

Chaehyun did not reply to her question as she continued munching down her food.

"Are you implying something?"

"Aren't you interested in him?"

"Wha-" She dropped her spoon in disbelief. "What makes you think like that?"

"I saw you and Y/N alone at the park a few days ago. You seemed to be pretty close to him, considering how you rarely ever talk to guys before. And how you were wearing the jacket-"

"We were just talking because it rained moments before that, and the fact that you were there when you saw it means that you knew, didn't you? I wore his jacket because it was cold, and he lent it to me."

"See? You'd never do something like that if you weren't so close with him."

"I acted that way because you seemed to trust him. So I have no reason to not talk to him on that day, right?"

She kept silent, not knowing what to reply to her friend as she stared at her lunch.

"Come on, Chaehyun-ah. There's nothing going on between us. I'm sure he'd say the same thing."

She lifted her head with a saddened look and replied.

"You say that you don't have anything going on with him. But how do you really feel?"

"I-" Xiaoting was surprised at herself, as this was one of the few times that she'd hesitated on speaking out her thoughts. Most of the time that this happened was due to her about to spew things which weren't true.

She wondered why she'd hesitate on saying that she had no interest in him, but decided that it's something to think about later in a short time.

"I... I don't like him. We just talked due to the situation that happened, and there's that."

"I see. Then I'll believe you." She forced her smile, and continued to eat her lunch as Xiaoting slowly calmed herself down.

"Glad that you understand."

Xiaoting felt relieved that she cleared her misunderstanding with her friend, but what she doesn't know is that Chaehyun still had her suspicions, and kept her ground.

Xiaoting's gonna tell me that they're dating sooner or later. She's just denying it now because she wants to keep it a surprise.

Was what in her thoughts, after listening to her explanation.


Chaehyun found herself sitting under the same place she used to meet Y/N before, thinking about her last meeting with Y/N. This was the first time she came back after the encounter, as she was afraid that she'd run up to him prior.

She gathered her thoughts, and decided upon herself that she'd apologize for her actions before the next time she meets him. After making peace with herself, she decided that it was best for her to be a friend to him, instead of acting the way she was being.

"You can do it, Chaehyun." She talked to herself, as she got up from her seat. She looked towards her left, and noticed that the guy she wanted to meet the day after, had shown up sooner.

"Y-Y/N." The smile on the corner of her lips soon faded away after remembering that he might have something going on with Xiaoting. She got up as he arrived at her spot.

"I'm sorry but I have to go, see you-"

She felt his hand gripping hers, preventing her from taking another step away from where they were.

"Chaehyun-ah, please. Listen to what I have to say, okay?"

"I'm sorry Y/N, but I really have to go."

"Xiaoting and I only met up by chance that night, I swear. She was sneezing, and I couldn't let her catch a cold when it's raining. She returned my jacket the next day, nothing more." He explained his situation, as he had suspected that her sudden change of behavior was due to her having wrong assumptions of her own friend.

"Please. Stop avoiding me, Chaehyun-ah. I just... I can't take it. I hate it. I hate it to a point where it keeps me up at night. It sounds cringey, I know, but it is how it is. So please?"

She stood there, silently without saying a word and kept her gaze away from him. They stood like that for God knows how long, until she finally spoke.

"Okay, but your hand... it's..."

He looked down and saw that his band was gripping tightly that it wrinkled her sweater. He instantly let go of his grip and apologized to her while sticking both of his hands together.

"I am so sorry, Chaehyun-ah. I didn't mean to hold your hand for so long. I just didn't want you to-" He heard her chuckle, laughing before finally facing him with her hand covering her mouth.

"You don't have to apologize so much, you know." She said,

"It is indeed impossible to not hold the hand of a beautiful girl such as I am."

"Oh man. Here comes the over-confident woman." She raised her hand, chasing him around the gazebo as he ran away, avoiding her smack after teasing her for her confidence.

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