Punishment/ ken &daigo

Start from the beginning

Rantaro: guess You haven't change a bit tho you aren't as shy as you use to be

Diago: hey where's shu?

Wakiya: he's up stairs with sky and lui

Diago: what for?

Valt: well yesterday they decided to have a mini and lui ended you giving me a bruise so now for a punishment they have to do any dare givin to then

Diago & ken: oh

Sky*upstairs*: GUYS A LITTLE HELP!!

*all of them run upstairs and see sky trying to pull them apart "

" A little help here!! "

Wakiya: come on shu let go of him

Rantaro : you two lui

*wack wack*

*everyone turns around to see valt and diago with newspapers *

Both lui and shu: owww that hurt

Valt: well that the point, now I know for a fact you to have dares right sky?

" Yup your correct now can you do the first one "

Shu : fine, valt I'm sorry for giving you and the others trouble and I can say for the both of us that we're sorry

Valt: fine I forgive you but I want to hear something from lui

Rantaro: and that is?

Lui: yea what lollipop boy said

Valt : I want you to say sorry for punching me in the face and giving me a bruise

Lui: who said I was going to say sorry

"Lui you have to or you want to meet a little friend"

*out of the shadows a girl with a sword shows behind sky *

Kitori: you better say sorry unless you want be sliced into little pieces

*everyone shiver from what she said except valt*

Valt: kitori don't scare them

Everyone else : you know her

Valt: yes she is my cousin

"Ok since we now have kitori here now will you say sorry lui"

Lui*scared of kitori but don't want to show it *: fine valt I'm sorry for punching you and giving a bruise

Valt: I forgive you *happy *

Kitori : ok, since that over I will go now

"No wait I want you to stay for the next dare "


Ken*keru*what is the next one?

"Just be patient *walks over to shut and lui and gives the a bag* go change and come back "

Both: fine *both walk to their rooms and change*

Rantaro:so what's the dare *shows dare*hahaa the other have to see this
*goes down stairs and a camera*

"What with the came.... Haha.. Y.. You look so funny lui"

*lui walks in everyone starts laughing*

Lui: yea yea what ever just stop laughing

Wakiya: haha w.. Where is shu at?

Shu: right here *blushing*

*everyone turns around to see shu in the maid costume and everyone starts to laugh hard but valt start to nosebleed *

Kitori: you ok valt !??

Valt: yea I'm fine

Rantaro & kitori taking pictures of both of them

"Well valt there your servant for the day so good luck "

Everyone: what?!! Hahaa

This is now shu's and lui's worst day every

Now everyone say goodbye

Everyone: ٩(ര̀ᴗര́)ᵇʸᵉ

*a very mad lui and blushing shu *

Ok so I  this and the picture above was all so made by me
Also I do drawing on insta which is in my bio in profile so you can also find them there
Ok now bye

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