Chapter 1

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Constance’s POV

“D’Artagnan, I’m here!”

I call him as I step out from behind an old building. He smiles at me and lifts me up in the air. Then he bends his head to my ear and whispers:

“I love you!”

The kiss that follows warms my heart and lets billions of butterflies dance in my stomach. God, I love this guy so much! But I hate being parted from him. So I sigh as I lie my head at his chest.

“I’ve missed you, D’Artagnan!”

“Me too, Constance, but I’m finally here again!”

I gladly nod and smile at him. I’ve really missed him tons. D’Artagnan had received a quest from the king, so he had to travel to Rome with him where Louis signed some peace treaty with Italy. I know that D’Artagnan has no choice but to accompany the king, but still I wish he wouldn’t always have to leave me.

“…Tonight, the king has a huge fest to celebrate the peace. Hey, are you even listening to me?”

“I’m sorry, what did you wanna say?”

“I asked you whether you wanna go with me to the fest of peace.”

“I would love to.”

“Okay, I’ll pick you up at nine.”

Wow, so I’m actually going to a real party with D’Artagnan, like officially.

D’Artagnan’s POV

I am rushing around the house I share with my musketeer friends Athos, Porthos and Aramis. It is nearly time to go to the party and I am so nervous…

“What’s up?” Athos asks.

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say, he’s got a hot date!” Porthos laughs.

I feel my cheeks begin to heat as I stare at him. Does he know? Aramis smiles at me.

“So, you finally asked Constance out officially? That’s good.”

I am just so glad that it’s finally time to leave and I can escape them. They would have only kept asking things and bothering me. So I hurry out the door, yelling:

“Bye, see ya at the party!”

*At the party*

It is just so huge. Everybody is laughing, dancing, eating and drinking. Porthos is flirting with some Lady, as always. I turn to Constance.

“Would you like to dance?”

“Yeah, I would!”

So we start dancing. At first, we dance really fast, constantly smiling at each other. Then the music changes and is very slow now. We slow down and I hold Constance close. I look her right in the eyes, in these beautiful blue orbs… The whole world isn’t important anymore, I only see her in my arms. And this is all I wanna see for the rest of my life.
But the music stops much too early and our little moment is over again. We are just on our way over to Athos and Aramis, when suddenly some drunken Lord stops us.

“Hello, my Lady”, he says taking Constance’s hand and kissing it, “I’m surprised to meet you alone.”

What?! I cannot believe he is actually doing this!

“Sorry, Monsieur, but she’s not alone, we’re here together!”

I tell him angrily. How dare this stupid Lord touch my Constance?
But all I receive is a look from him with doubt in his eyes.

“With you? Seriously? You are nobody, she clearly has no future with you. Grow up, kid or better, go to wherever you came from.”

I am outraged and just about to lose it, when I am pulled away by Constance.

“Come on, D’Artagnan, he’s not worth getting into trouble.”

The rest of the evening passes without any special events. Well, I’m just not having fun anymore. I keep thinking of what that guy has said to me. I shouldn’t be surprised that Constance asks me about it on our way home.

“Hey, D’Artagnan, what’s wrong? Didn’t you like the evening with me?”

“What?! Of course I did, don’t ever doubt this. I love you.”

“But then what is it? I can tell that something’s bothering you, just talk to me.”

I sigh in defeat. She knows me too well, of course she knows that something is wrong.

“Well, it’s just something that drunken Lord said…”

“What did he say?”

“He said that you don’t have a future with me.”

“Don’t listen to him.”

“But he’s right. I have nothing to give you. Nothing but my heart. But our love has no future. I truly am nobody and I can’t guarantee that this might change. In fact, I couldn’t even make a living on my own… I am sorry Constance, I will always love you, but you deserve better than me. You can have more.”

I can see tears forming in her eyes. Great. Now I made the girl I love cry. I am such an idiot. Everything I do is hurting her.

“D’Artagnan, that’s not true, you are everything for me and I don’t care about money or anything as long as I’m with you, I’m perfectly fine.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you.” I mumble, filled with guilt.

Then I hug her and kiss her good-bye. I didn’t even realize that we’ve already reached her home. Even after I’ve gone home myself, I still cannot forget about my worries. I don’t wanna hurt Constance and I would never leave her, but I am feeling so terrible because I am the one who destroys her chance to have a good life – a future.

The following days, I can’t get over my sorrows and I am filled with despair. I am nearly relieved, when King Louis orders me to come with him to another peace bringing mission, together with the three musketeers.
We gotta leave the next day, so I quickly go to see Constance to tell her and say good-bye.

“Constance, I have to leave. King Louis has to go on another peace bringing journey. We meet with the Spanish king somewhere at the border.”

“So you go again? I don’t want you to, I just got you back!”

“But Constance, first of all: I don’t really have a choice. Besides it would be better for you anyways! You know, maybe you find someone else…”

“Forget about it! I don’t wanna find anybody else. I will wait for you and I will miss you. You said you can’t give me anything but your heart. But I won’t want to have anything more. Just go and come back soon. And remember, a part of me will always be with you.”

This is why I love her. She is so honest and good… I smile sadly, then take her in my arms and lean my head against hers. We remain like this for some minutes, then I finally kiss her passionately and leave with one last:

“Bye, love!”

“Take care!”

***   ***   ***

Alright, finally here's the first chapter. Don't worry there will be much more action pretty soon. This chapter is just soooooo long! Normally I write chapters with about 500 words and this has over 1000! Well, I guess this is because I kept you waiting for so long!
I already have some more chapters on paper, since I wrote a lot during my lessons...

However, it would be great to get some votes and reviews!
Thank you for reading!


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