Alyssa nodded. "I've never seen her intervene when Madi pulls shit before. Usually she just keeps her distance and tries not to make a big deal about it. But she also doesn't like very many people. Guess you're just special," she added.

I stared out the window, intrigued. "Guess so."

The small voice in the back of my head was hopeful. Maybe I wasn't overthinking, it said. But I sighed. In my 16 years' experience, I'd learned that when I hoped for something, no matter how much I wanted it, it usually didn't turn out. Yet I still clung to the hope that maybe what Alyssa said was true; that I was different.

Either way, I finally had something interesting to think about during Pre-Calc.


The last bell of the day rang, jolting me awake. I had fallen asleep in my seventh period Bio class. Again. But it seemed like half the class was in the same post-nap stupor that I was. 

Could you really blame us?

I picked up my backpack and practically sprinted back to my locker to put my extra books away. I moved to slam it shut and get down to the gym to change, but I found my path blocked.

"Jesus Christ Ryan stop doing that!"

He smirked slightly. We had only exchanged a few quick words at our lockers since the first week of school, and I guess this was his way of getting me to talk with him. But I didn't have time for it.

I tried to push past him, but he stepped sideways to block my path. I sighed. "I have to get to the locker rooms, so if you could move, I'd really appreciate it."

Ryan raised an eyebrow. "Much more polite today."

I rolled my eyes. "I figured I'd try the diplomatic approach before I needed to use my second option."

"And what option would that be?"

"Shoving you onto the ground and walking around you."

He laughed. "You're pretty funny."

I crossed my arms over my chest. "You think I wouldn't?"

"Oh I know you would. I was giving you a compliment. You're genuinely funny."

I was honestly a little confused. I didn't think a guy like Ryan would be humble enough to actually give me a compliment and mean it. Maybe his head wasn't as big as I thought. 

"Thanks, I guess, but I really have to go," I said, managing to shoulder him aside. He didn't try to grab me like last time, which I was thankful for, but before I had gone a few steps he called out, "Wait!"

I stopped, turned around and eyed him impatiently. "What now?"

"I never caught your name."

I smiled slightly. In spite of my best efforts, Ryan was starting to grow on me. 

"Soph," I said. 

A somewhat triumphant smile lit up his features. "Nice to officially meet you, Soph."

Then he turned and walked back to his locker. I studied him for a second, then I remembered I had somewhere to be. And by now I was five minutes later than I usually was, meaning all the girls would likely be in the locker room already. 


I walked quickly down the now-empty hallways towards the gym. I pushed open the door, hearing chatter and laughter from the girls' side. I took a deep breath, preparing myself to walk in. I reached out for the handle--

The Switch Hitter (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now