Silent Thunder in the Sky + Our Big Brother

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"Don't, one hand is enough for you to get hurt... I should go back inside-"

Halilintar surprised because suddenly he felt warm on his back which he turn around and see Boboiboy hugging him while standing which make his head is above Halilintar's head. He was surprised at first but he can't argue that he love the warmness. After moments later, Boboiboy make Halilintar face him which give him a soft smile but holding some static on his shirt.

"You okay?!" shout Halilintar panic plastered on his face through that he electrocute him
"Finally you change your expression"

"You never change expression ever since I saw you in person... you only shows grim look and very small smile with it that's all"
"Well... I'm from your anger trait so what do you expect" said Halilintar facing away

"No, you get out through my anger but you didn't have to be fully in anger state and only show emotionless look to me and your brothers"
"Actually I'm out due to anger is other reason..."

Boboiboy was taken aback by Halilintar statement. He then force Halilintar to face him which make him feels some electric stings. Boboiboy then make his hand let out some Petir's powers so he didn't get much of the electricity

"Halilintar, don't tell me that..."
"Ukh! Yeah! Retak'ka activated me through his anger emotions too just like you did!... With that it makes him stronger using my powers like you too... That very reason make him want to take Tok Kasa's power or should I say Gempa. Because Gempa is activate due to leadership and all emotions combine which can make all 7 elementals controlled well by the user" said Halilintar angrily

Boboiboy was beyond shock by it. He never thought that Halilintar's case is worst which make him like that. Halilintar face down with his hat lowered. He can't face Boboiboy because of his sudden burst

"Halilintar... look at me" said Boboiboy calmly but Halilintar didn't answer or look at him

"HALILINTAR!" shout Boboiboy

With that, it caught Halilintar's attention and face him. Halilintar was shock because he thought Boboiboy was angry at him but he didn't, he just give a serious but soft look to him

"Halilintar, please let out your feelings"
"Taufan told me that you are very thick, which mean he can't see through you at all... I have a hunch, but I want the answers from your mouth"

Halilintar face away but his body is still facing Boboiboy because he is holding his shoulders very hard to make him move. Not to mention, he felt his powers are rising at every moment but Boboiboy is not in pain at all by it

"Halilintar... please..."

"Fine... but can you please stop holding me like this... I know you can't hold my electricity any longer"
"Not until you tell me everything"

"Well what do you want to know..."
"For starters... why do you keep distance from the others especially Blaze, Thorn and Ice? You will not play or talk to them until someone ask you to do something"

Halilintar then face Boboiboy with his grim look but seconds later, his look soften in verge of sad emotions coming to him which make Boboiboy glad seeing it

"How did you.."
"Do you still need to ask?"
"W.. when I'm angry, I can't control my emotions and just let out my swords out. I just don't want to them to get hurt because of me... I can't be like Taufan who can shows his emotions outwild, I can't be like Gempa who can be patient controlling them and loving them... I can't be like Solar who can calculate their movements and high pride to fight back someone like me... I just can't show emotions at all... when I did show some emotions like laughing, they see me as a thread instead... I want to let them know that I care for them but I can't! I'm just a emotionless jerk and can only make mess around"

Trouble Battle 3: The Elementalsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن