Hunter's Soulmate: resentment

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Authors note: 

Hi!! So I'm gonna interrupt for a bit.  This story is already 5 years old and I've written it when I was like 14?? I'm not even sure. But anyways my writing style will become a little different onwards and I still have to edit this story since it's very crappy. so- yeah you don't have to re-read it again cause like those mistakes I've had will stay and it is part of my writing process and will remind me how much I've grown enough to learn and improve my writing skills. So that is it. Stay safe and healthy!! Short chap incoming!!!

Astrid's Pov

Within those spans of being away with my parents, hatred started to consume me. I didn't know how it started but I know exactly why I was angry. The thought of my soulmate just filled me up with rage and venom like I wanted to face him and just lash out everything that he has done in my life. And how it affected me. Because of him, I was never the same girl. The day I was taken away was the start of me, despising the idea of 'soulmates' thing. 

The fact that I was kidnapped and rejected at the same time makes no sense at all. If he didn't want me in the first place, then why would he bring me here? I didn't even get to know him, and see him in person! The thought of it just made me grit my teeth. 

The reason why I was so calm when I was brought here because I had hope that someone would come and rescue me. I knew that my parents will do anything to find me. But no. They didn't come and eight hell of years had passed and there was no sign of me returning to my home. 

And at that point, I started to lose hope. It saddened me and broke my heart to think that there is absolutely no one who will come and save me. It felt like I was betrayed by my parents but I convinced myself to think that maybe it was just hard to find me. But eight years? huh. They must have thought that I'm dead by now. 

Gobber was the only person I and Heather could talk to. We were transferred to some remote area in the forest where a small average hut was hidden and we weren't allowed to leave the borders area. Our dragons Stormfly and Windshear were with us within those years. They became our family and we'd basically swore to protect each other.

"Hey Astrid," Heather called, I turned my head towards her direction and motioned her to continue. "Don't you think it's odd that Gobber has not been visiting us these past few days? I mean like he is always here and never fails to check up on us on a daily basis." Heather explained.

I thought about it and yes it is odd that he's nowhere to be found. It's one of the reasons why we're brought here in the present where Heather and I would find a way to escape and get out of this place.

"Don't worry about it. I'm sure he'll be back. But we don't want him to catch us escaping don't we?" I replied, shoving all of my things that are needed inside my bag. "Besides, he's the reason why we are well and alive right now. He could've killed us by then." I stood up and zipped my bag close.

"True." Heather hummed.

It was already in the middle of the night when Heather and I took one last look at the hut that we were about to leave. Weird huh. Living in a place with no parents around to care for us was unbelievable. And look where we are, thirsty for freedom.

"I'll remember this place," Heather spoke up. "Living here might not be the best but it is where I met you and the dragons. And that's important." She smiled at the hut closed her eyes and when she opened them it showed nostalgia.

I looked back at the hut and smiled quite bitterly. Nothing was wrong with leaving the hut behind.  It was already wrong when the reason why we were brought there in the first place was enough for me not to get too attached to it. But at some point Heather was right. I wasn't alone in the situation. Heather and the dragons were enough for me to continue living.

Stormfly and Windshear were ready in their places when their ears suddenly perked up of a sudden noise. I looked around alarmed and in position to attack with my blade, and Heather does the same. But everything happened in an instant when our dragons flew to us fast, covering us from something we didn't know of and that's where we knew, they were struck by a small arrow that was enough to knock them off the ground.

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