Hunter's Soulmate: Dragons part 2

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Astrid's pov (Unedited)

After the little incident a while ago, i manage to keep the dragons calm.  

The dragons were friendly and
And lovable. I decided that i will name my dragon Stormfly.

And Heather, She became friends with the other dragon- which i was confused cause a while ago she was like 'omg.  I'm Sared look- and now she's like- I'm gonna call you Windshear.

Heather's dragon is a girl.
But i don't know what type of a dragon it is- but i'm sure it's in Sharp class.

When we were about to sleep,
Some 'dude' walk up on us and open the cage.

And then he look serious for a moment and then he smiled.

Woah, he's nose is crooked.

"Hello Ladies, My name is Gobber. i'll be your entertainer for today." He said.

I looked at him with a confused and a Wierd look while looking at Heather and wonder if she know this old dude.

"Hah, i'm Just kiddin' 'lads." He laughed.

He called us 'Lad'? Is this guy serious? He should probably called us like 'Girls, Ladies, Or anything. Not lads!

"Now, now  don't look at me with that weird look, eh' it makes me feel like I'm pretty. Bu thanks anyway." He smiled.

I shot heather a horrified look and she also give me with a I-don't-Know-Look.

"Uhm... Gobber Right? I was wondering Why Me and Heather are here in this ca-"

"Enough with the talking."

He said chewing something in his mouth while he 'rudely' interupt me.

"You girls are going with me. 'ill be goi'n to a house, not these
dungeon." he said.

"Follow me."

We were about to follow him but he turn around so suddenly
and he spoke:

"And those dragons 'are yours. They match your strenght and ability. But they are murderous. If you let them get angry, They will kill you or maybe leave you." 

Gobber looked at us and walked further, until he murmured something i cannot quite hear.

"it's hard to earn the dragons trust."

But why are we already attached with Stormfly and Windshear?

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