"Calm down, kiddo! She's barely an hour later than usual! I'm sure there's an explanation." Chief Munson gave Jackson a reassuring look but his stomach still tightened with anxiety. 

Finally he spun toward the door. "I'm going over there. Call me if she shows up!"

"Alright, Wolfe. Let me know the second you find out what's going on."

"Will do, sir!" he called back over his shoulder as the door swung closed. His long legs carried him quickly to his desk to gather his gun and other personal items, then he was out the door heading for his truck. His stomach still churned nervously as he got in and started the engine. Macy Grey was capable of annoying him beyond anyone he'd ever known, and she was the strangest person he'd ever encountered, but the thought of anything happening to her made him sick. Losing her wasn't even an option.

He pulled her number up again as he drove and called it. He turned on the speaker so he was hands free. Again, her voice mail picked up and Jackson pounded his phone three times (nearly breaking it) in order to hang up. He was scared. Not just worried. Hands clammy, sweat pouring down his back, wanting to throw up scared!

He cursed at every car that got in his way and the idea that he was at that moment driving like everyone else in L.A. never even crossed his mind. He did consider having his truck jacked up as high as possible and getting the largest tires available put on it so that he could just put it in 4WD and crawl over every car in his path, but that would have to be done at a later date.

He swung into Macy's condo parking lot and stopped just outside her front door. He took note of her car still in her parking spot, silently thanking the gods that at least she hadn't been in a wreck. He jumped out and was at the front door in two strides. He knocked sharply and rang the bell several times. The feeling that something was wrong grew stronger. It was almost not even a feeling. He knew something had happened.

She didn't come to the door, so he found her spare key hidden in her potted plant and let himself in. Her condo was basically a reflection of Macy herself. He'd only been inside a couple of times in the past, briefly. It smelled like her. There were beautiful prints of fantasy scenes by Luis Royo on the walls. She had a red sofa with black cushions in the front room and the entire place was carpeted in pristine white, plush carpet. He glanced over at her 75 gallon saltwater fish tank.

Jackson drew his gun and called out. "Macy?" He moved toward the stairs after checking the kitchen and dining room. His heart was pounding in his chest. "Macy? Answer me! It's Jackson!" He ascended the stairs slowly. He was about half way up when he heard a small thud coming from upstairs. "Macy? Is that you?" He continued up the stairs, gun cocked and ready. 

He reached the landing and turned quickly, pointing his gun in all possible directions. As he continued down the hall his heart nearly stopped when Macy's black and white tuxedo cat, Max, shot past him and tore down the stairs. He'd come from her bedroom. First he checked the small office and restroom, and then cautiously he approached her room, scared of what he might find there.

He swiftly jumped from behind the wall, weapon lowered and ready. He was pointing it into an empty room. Her bed hadn't been slept in. There wasn't much out of place except that the balcony door stood open. The screen was closed, but unlocked.

Jackson moved quickly to the balcony and stepped out. He went to the edge and looked down. It wasn't a big drop, considering her bedroom was only on the second floor of the building. He saw no signs of what might have happened. He went back in a dialed the Chief's line, waiting for him to pick up.

The Chief answered on the second ring. "Chief Munson."

"Chief, she's gone."

"What? What are you talking about 'gone'?"

"I'm at her place. I let myself in and she's gone. Her car is here. Her cat. Her fish. Her balcony door was unlocked and she's nowhere to be found."

Jackson sat down on the edge of Macy's bed with angry tears beginning to sting his eyes. He put his head down into his hand and let out a ragged breath. "I don't know what to do, Chief. Something's happened to her."

"Alright, Wolfe. Just... just calm down. I'm sending forensics over right now. Try not to touch anything or change anything. We'll see what we can find out. You have a look around and keep your cool."

"Okay, Chief. I'll wait here for them."

"And Jackson..?"

"Yeah, Chief?"

"We'll find her, kiddo. Don't you worry."

"I know. I know. Of course we will."

He hung up and stood, taking a deep breath. He didn't want to think about all of the reasons he didn't fully believe that. He didn't want visions from the past to come forward now. He needed to keep his head and stay focused. He had to find her. He had to find her and if anyone had harmed a single hair on her head there would be nowhere they would be able to run. Nowhere they could hide from him. He would kill them.


(A/N: Please vote if you enjoyed this chapter. I'll try not to leave you hanging for too long on this one!)

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