The spies

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[A/N] Italics are memories

You're getting used to trials now. The survivors keep giving you tips and tricks to use in a trial, for example, Zarina's red herring trick. Your stamina had tremendously increased as well, making it easier to loop killers at the killers' shack.

You have got your own sleeping spot at the campfire now, it very was awkward at first. Everyone was staring at you as if you were baby Jesus, but as time went by they would shrug it off and wish you a goodnight. You would see Freddy almost every 'day', just you and him chilling in his dreamworld.

The Entity has been providing food for you and Ezio as well, it's just that it's not that good as you expected it to be. White, bland, dry, chewy and no flavour whatsoever. Hell, it didn't even have a smell. It's like chewing on nothing. Even water had a better taste than that. But oh well, you gotta eat to survive.

"Hey, you guys want to try some of the 'good' stuff?" You offered, holding a piece you broke off of the food.

"Sure, I'll try." Nea quickly said as she snatched the piece out of your hands with high expectations.

Her facial expression changed from a wide grin to a brief look of disappointment, spitting it out as quickly as possible.

"Jävlar va fan, you have to eat this every day? It tastes like paper!

Whenever you'd offer something to the others they would politely turn it down.

Adiris would be kind enough to give you a golden apple. You were so happy you gave her a hug, not noticing her faint blush in the process.

Every time when you would go out for a walk with Ezio, you'd hang out with the killers a bit. Not for too long though, just passing by. It may seem odd but they've been very kind to you outside of the trials. Always petting and preaching Ezio as he wagged his tail.

You also got to know a couple of killers better. However, some of them were still pretty distant. For example the trapper and the hillbilly.

Today you were going out with Ezio yet again. You were glad to be able to get some fresh air. Ezio walked around in circles right in front of you, deliberately brushing his tail against your leg.

You attached the leash to his collar and scratched him behind his ears. He showed a wide smile with his eyes pierced.

Meg noticed the leash around Ezio's collar, "You're going into the woods again?" She asked.

You perked up from your current position and looked over your shoulder, "Oh, yeah. It's been a while." You answered scratching your neck.

"Wait! Before you go you should take this flashlight! I replaced the batteries already." Laurie hurried, offering you a flashlight.

Your eyes widened in surprise,"Oh, why thank you Laurie! But there's no need to give me your flashlight, you should use it in trials."

Laurie raised her eyebrows, "What do you mean? There's a bunch of killers in the woods! I reckon the woods are worse than the trials, you could die out there!"

Little did she know that the killers weren't allowed to hurt the survivors outside the trials.

"Fine, I'll give it back though." You surrendered with a sigh, accepting the offer. You didn't want her to grow suspicious of you.

Laurie nodded and smiled as you placed the flashlight inside your jacket, "Of course, no problem."

You tugged at Ezio's leash, confirming that you were ready to go. His ears perked up in excitement as he let his tongue hang on the side of his jaw.

The Game Changer | a Dead by Daylight x Reader FanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon