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"Okay, what have you got?" Matt asks Dom.
"Well I've got an out of tune guitar and a few verses." Dom replies.
You come down the stairs with Dom's painkillers and drinks.
"Here." You say, chucking the pills at him.
"Thanks y/n!" He says.
'Damn, I date him now!' You think.
"Dom, we've got guitars anyway, so get in the studio dude!" David says.
"Okay. Let's do this!" Dom says. He starts singing:

"Locked me in a room since I was young
I've never seen a morning sun come up
I'm employee of the month at a Ritalin club
Yeah, why do you think I'm so messed up?

They don't know where I am, I don't know where I am
I don't know where I am
I don't know where I am, don't know where I am
Don't know where I am

They said I'm an ana-ana-anarchist, I'm an anarchist

When he finishes you applaud with all the  guys and give Dom a hug. You know that you need to go shopping for your apartment so you have to get going.
"Alright I've gotta go now. I've gotta go shopping now, but I'll come back later." You say, grabbing your coat.
"Okay, give me a hug before you go." Dom says, trying to hide his disappointment.
"Okay bye you guys!" You say, as you walk up the stairs.
"Bye y/n!" All the guys wave.
Dom turns round to see them smiling at him.
"You guys okay?" He says. "Oh yeah we're fine. You just seem so happy for a very hungover guy?" Matt says.
"Yeah, I'm just err excited ya know?" Dom says, confused. "Did you guys put the heat on? I'm sweating like anything!"
"Yeah, it was kinda cold this morning." David said.
"Okay, we done in here?" Dom says quickly.
"Nah, let's stay down here, practice a bit." Tom says.
After a while of practicing, Matt comes and pulls you to the corner while the others go and get more cigarettes.
"Dude, have you looked in a mirror?" He says to Dom.
"What?" Dom starts to panic.
"Look," Matt says, pulling his phone out.
"What? Theres nothing on my face?" He says.
"Dude your fucking covered in hickeys!" Matt says, brushing some of Dom's hair out of the way.
"She really went to town, huh?"
The guys then walk in and see his neck.
"Holy fuck Dom!" They start surrounding him.
"Is this from y/n? Dude, you got lucky!"
"Yes, of course they're from y/n. Calm down guys!" Dom says, smiling.
"They wont come off for at least a week. We have school tomorrow!" Matt says.
"So what? I'll be nonchalant if they ask me about it." Dom replies.
"Ok, whatever you say!" David says, clearly not believing him.
"I'm done with this harassment. I've gotta go home." Dom says, grabbing his guitar and walking up the stairs.
"Alright bye dude!"

Yung Love (Yungblud X Female Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt