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*buzz buzz* You open the door to your apartment and check your phone.
'Hey y/n'
'Who is this?'
'Its Dom remember? We were together like idk 30 minutes ago. :)'
'Wait, how did u get my number?'
'Oh well remember when I took ur phone, yh I copied down ur number so I could text u.'
You smiled slightly at this. You start thinking.
"Uh he's so cute. NO no no, you can't develop a crush on him, you only just met him."
You go over the events of today as you drift off to sleep.
"Crap" You forgot to text your so-called friends who left you earlier. You write it on your hand and go to sleep.

Sup guys! It's me again. I know that this was kinda short but it's just a filler for the next one.
~ me dudezzz

Yung Love (Yungblud X Female Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang