Booze, drugs and more booze.

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As you walk into your apartment, you instantly notice a note on the kitchen table, along with a box. 'Dear y/n, its Jasmine. The reason I havent been here for a while is because I've been at my boyfriends house for a while. We are now spending 2 weeks away in LA. I hope you can manage on your own for a while. Here, I left my usual rent money for groceries and water etc. See ya soon! XOXO :)'
You sigh and take the money to put in your purse. "Pain in the ass." You mutter as you nearly fall over the coffee table. You fumble around in your drawers for your favourite black lacy dress. You definitely wanted to look your best for Dom. You hop in the shower and do your make up with about a half hour left to go to Dom's house. Your phone buzzes.
'Hey, its Dom! Change of location for the party, its gonna be at Tom's house instead. It's at number 6 in the apartment block on Mary Street. :) See ya there!'
You sit around listening to Queen for a while and then you see the clock 9:15pm! You call a cab and tell the driver Tom's address.
"Sketchy place round there, lovie. Gotta be careful." The cab drivers says as you tell him where you're going.
"Dont worry. I'm going to my friends party with all of his friends and trust me, they are far from sane." You say as you look through Instagram.
"Who's the friend?"
"Uh his name is Dominic..?" You start to panic a little
"Dominic Harrison?" He questions.
"Yes, how do you know him?" Extra panic now.
"Oh, we used to be mates! Until we moved and lost contact. We nod at eachother on the street, but thats just about as far as it goes."He said, kinda sadly.
"I get that." You say, almost whispering.
"Hey, here now! And you dont need to pay. Just give us a call later and I'll pick you up." He said.
"No, let me tip you." You say, handing him £5.
"Appreciate it, love." He said with a smile.

As you head up the hall towards Tom's apartment, you can already hear the commotion and music. You walk in hesitantly and instantly get knocked over by a drunk woman.
"Watch it!" She slurs at you. You get up and brush yourself down and fix your hair. You spot Dom across the room and make your way to him.
"Hi Dom!" You shout over the music.
"Suuuppp y/n! I'm only a little drunk, so you dont have to worry. Here's a beer!" He says, handing you a plastic cup filled with a questionable liquid. You have nothing to lose so you drink it.
"CHUG CHUG CHUG!" You hear Dom shouting as you down the whole drink at once.

"See, I'm not a pristine little girl anymore am I!!" You slur after a few drinks with all of Doms friends. You notice that Dom had been gone a while and you sober up within a second. You decide to follow him the way that he went a few minutes ago.
"Dom? Dom where are you?" You are hit with the smell of drugs so hard, you gag.
You notice the smoke is coming from a small empty corner in the living room. You see Dom sat there, drunk as fuck and probably a little high. "Woahhhh M-Matt, you got more of this? This shit takes you to heaven broooo!" Dom says, cigarette in hand.
"Hey, its y/n!!!! Shes a nice one ya knowwww? I wanna see her without that sexy ass dress on. Mannn!" He slurs to Matt, clearly trying to whisper, but failing.
"Shush! Dom what in the actual fuck? I was with Tom and everyone else and you go and get high?" You say in disbelief.
"I'm not highhh. I'm just smoking a little teeny tiny bit of weed. Lay off meee!" He says. He is clearly absolutely shitfaced and needs to lie down.
"Hey Dom can you come with me for a sec?" You say, grabbing his arm.
"Ooh fun. See you guys laterrrr." He shouts over his shoulder.
As soon as you were somewhere no one could hear you, you give him the death stare, like an angry mum.
"What have I done now?" He asks, innocently.
"You're doing drugs, really? I mean the drinking thing, that's pretty godamn normal, but drugs?" You hiss at him.
"Yeah so? It ain't illegal!"
"Yes it is Dom, very illegal!"
"Alright, I'm sorry. At parties sometimes I tend to get a little overexcited ya know?"
"Okay, I can live with that." You say, with a little relief.
"Now let's do this." Dom says, pushing you against the wall.
"No, Dom, we cant do this. Not right now. You're drunk. That would be aking advantage of you!" You whisper-shout.
"Aw come on y/n, you know you want it and plus, I'm fully aware of what I'm doing!" He replies.
"Alright Dom, before we do anything we regret, let's lay you down on this couch shall we? You need to lie down and sleep off all of that alcohol and drugs, okay?" You say, as you take his hand.
"Ugh fine, I feel like shit anyway. But tomorrow, we will do this, because I know you want it. I know I've wanted it, since the first day I met you." Dom slurs, but instantly passes out.
You laugh quietly and go and tell Tom that Dom is passed out on his couch.
"Omg seriously? I better go see to him. Everyones leaving now anyway. Something about noise complaints and shit." He says, with a hand on his head, like he was stressed.
"Hey, dont worry, I'll stay overnight and see that hes okay tonight and tomorrow morning. Ok? But first I have to go to the 24-hour shop and grab some things that cure really bad hangovers." You say, stopping him.
"Really? Oh my god I appreciate that so much! You're genuinely the nicest person ever."
"What are friends for?" You reply with a smile on your face. "Oh and by the way, Matt's the one who gave him weed, so if you wanna deal with that.." You say worryingly.
"I've dealt with Matt before on that. I'll do it tomorrow when he'll remember me beating the shit out of him, ha." He says, cracking up.
"Alright, see you soon Tom!" You yell over the increasingly loud music.

Yung Love (Yungblud X Female Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin