Chapter 30: Ascend, Approach And Dissapear

Start from the beginning

Then at last the robotic clock spoke out, "THREE, TWO, ONE

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Then at last the robotic clock spoke out, "THREE, TWO, ONE."

"And lift off!" Zhim mouthed into his mike, a grin falling across his face soon after.

The swarm of robots took off into the sky like billions of bees and made way for the wormhole above, which was hanging over their planet like a huge drop of liquid.

The robots exited the planet's atmosphere and on the huge screens on the sides of the residential apartments, the citizens saw the swarm ascend, approach and disappear beyond.

In a few minutes, the S.O.H bots reported, "S.O.H bots in station." The video feed opened and they saw the swarm emerge on the other side in the foreign world.

Following the instructions and coordinates that Zhim now gave, the robots adjusted their course. They were headed for a planetary system according to Zhim.

The others couldn't believe that the admiral was directing the most important mission in the history of any civilisation in accordance with a dream, a weird one at that.

Being the head, everybody had to obey his words. And they did. However troubled the ones who disapproved were on the inside. They had no other choice.

"Let's wait and observe for a few days. I am positive they will have an encounter with the planetary system soon enough," Zhim's voice bellowed over the speakers, optimistically.


Near at the mouth of the kilometres long abyss, Juvo stopped. He had done a mistake. He suddenly realised what he had left behind.


He needed their assistance to make his way to the throne. They were his loyal followers who couldn't be left to die.

He stopped the energy raging down his palms and directed it upwards. The glow disappeared only to reappear again in the opposite direction, with him descending back towards the prison.

The hole gave way to the pinkish glow again and he prepared himself.

Landing with a thud, he ran to the area where he saw his followers be taken not much earlier.

"Lord! You're free!" he heard a shriek from a side. He looked in the direction to see the sulky demeanor of one of his followers brighten up in delight. A smirk appeared on his crooked face. He blasted electricity from his fingertips and fried the cells of his group freeing them. The bars collapsed to the ground becoming ash.

They hailed their lord.

With them back with him, he made way towards the mouth of the massive hole, through which he and his followers were brought to be imprisoned.

Arriving underneath it, Juvo carefully blasted a huge chunk of rock from a side. It cracked from the wall and came tumbling down, still remaining in one piece. The group hoisted themselves above it and Juvo propelled it upwards as he shot back into the sky.

They soared higher and higher and saw the opening of the light source above slowly widen, eventually leading them to come out of the abyss.

They jumped off the rock and landed on the surface. Now, their spirits had gotten a boost of perseverance with their lord rescuing them and guiding them back to their purpose. They were back on their mission.

"Let's see how they contain us now!" Juvo hollered. The cries of his kind reverberated in the space and they spread across, their eyes burning with fury.

"LET'S RIGHT THIS ONCE AND FOR ALL!" Juvo shot blazes in the air and Vengeance shot their fists up. It was now that even the Gods would feel fear- a foreign and distant emotion for so long. But no longer.

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