Chapter 28: Retracing To Oblivion: Part 1

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Admiral Zhim, as per his daily routine, was checking the various wormholes that had been opened for his wealthy clients

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Admiral Zhim, as per his daily routine, was checking the various wormholes that had been opened for his wealthy clients. The same dark energy drink was cupped in his hands. As he was stressful enough in his early life, he had become quite accustomed with the beverage. He belonged to a race which was humanoid in form but was amphibian. Being an amphibian, he needed to take a daily bath in his massage pool as did his family members to help maintain their bodies.

It had been about a month since they had lost the IMG, an organisation he had hoped would achieve more success and fame than any he had created before. He remembered how his loyal secretary Sanduo, fed him on the daily basis with how the group was operating and the various developments on the way.

He prodded the holographic screen infront of him, viewing the IMG folder. The transmissions Sanduo had delivered were still in his mainframe. The incident had been traumatic to him. He couldn't work everyday without for once remembering about the mishap.

He reluctantly played some transmissions. It was somehow soothing for him to hear the ones he knew were no more. What was running on the screen now, was the recording of the encounter with the accused one.

His eyes widened as something came to his mind. He had never thought of it.

The rooms in the Interstellar Traveller had hidden cameras and microphones that sent him footages and recordings in secret, a fact that he had kept away from Sanduo. The data was recorded and transmitted to him simultaneously. The only lag was the time they required to arrive and then be received. A small percentage of the warp drive transmitted all communications of the ship to his office. But what Sanduo knew was that only the messages he recorded for official transfer to the Admiral, were transferred. Zhim should have felt guilty for this deed of his at some point, but he didn't.

What now had crossed his mind was related to this development. There was a possibility in it that he hadn't considered before.

"Show me recordings of Sharlotte when she is alone in her room." The command did not exclude robots. And he didn't want to.

He saw footages of her in her bed, lying and fiddling with her amethyst necklace. Pretty... I should gift one to my daughter sometime. She'd love it.

He decided he'd stay in his office a little longer than usual, and analyse the accused.


Two hours had passed. He was feeling sleepy as he watched Sharlotte sleep. "Haa, I need a refill." He reached for the machine to pour him another cup.

As he sipped his seventh cup of the energy drink, he looked as he saw robots come in her room. He noticed this was the recording of the next day. The day after her rescue. The robots seemed to enjoy chatting with the newcomer and mechanical giggling sounds echoed in the room. Never was a fan of those.

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