Where did he get that much information? You may ask...

I looked at Sammy.


Sammy idolizes almost every good looking guy in the whole wide world (lately she's even into Massimo) and she's really the ssasaeng type. He digs everything that she can dig until there's nothing left.

"Seriously, what's the problem with Win?" I shook my head and turned to see Khao. He was already sitting in the opposite seat from me. I was in the middle of Sammy and Saint. JJ was beside Khao. "He's been out of it since last week."

Again, I shook my head, "Err, regarding Bright... I guess Sammy was right." I sighed, "I guess he was just being kind."

"That's our Win!" JJ smiled and stood out before patting my head. I can also feel the tension ease out in the table and for a moment, I was able to breathe freely.

It was not the video that bothered me in the first place anyway. It was the gesture. Can someone be really kind enough to fix someone else's assignment when they can't even accept their fan's gifts? It has always bothered me, even when was in class. The gesture – if I would describe – was not 'Bright-like' based on outer appearance and how he acts. His teasing actually made my confusion turned to anger, but I've come to terms with it and decided to just let it go.

"WHOA!" I turned to Pluem, who just arrived, looking at his phone. "Win is a big shot now! He's dating Bright from the Faculty of Laws!"

"HOIE!" JJ immediately slapped Pluem's head that made everyone laughed out loud – well I did too. "Your friend has been stressing and we just cleared it out only to be dug back by an idiot like you?!"

Pluem scratched the back of his head and apologetically turned to 'waii' to me. He kept his phone and sat beside Khao, who instantly consoled him by rubbing his head where JJ hit.

"By the way, for formalities sake..." I glanced at Saint who was smiling at that time, "This is my childhood friend, Saint. He's from the Faculty of Engineering."

"Sawadee Krap." Saint politely greeted Khao and Pluem.

"OHHH!" Pluem instantly sprung out from his seat, pointing at the confused Saint. "He's a university star."

Khao looked around and started to feel embarrassed when he saw almost everyone from the canteen were looking at our group – and we aren't even from the Engineering faculty, yet we have the guts to create ruckus in here. "Man, s...sit down first. Relax." He said pulling Pluem down to sit beside him. "It's embarrassing."

When Pluem realized what Khao was talking about, he instantly retreated.

"Nice meeting you guys." Saint spoke nicely, easing the tension.

"So, I heard the football team from engineering lost to the football team from laws?" Khao asked, "How is your faculty coping up? Knowing that your team has the strongest players in the whole university."

We all looked at Khao and Saint. It instantly turned into a talk show real quick.

Khao's really into sports and he has been supporting the Engineering Faculty football team. So he was greatly devastated when he heard that his idols lost to the Laws football team (though it was just a practice game).

"I'm sorry, I'm not into sports so I don't know about that." Saint politely said.

True enough. Saint is basically the same as I am. We weren't into sports, if you'd ask, we'd bond over computer games and stuff – buying items and raiding dungeons or playing Defence of the Ancients. We watch sports show but were never interested to be in a game.

"Too bad." Khao sighed. "I wanted to talk about it."

"Sorry." Saint smiled apologetically. Khao immediately shook his hands and muttered that it was okay to shake of the air which was slowly becoming awkward.

"Anyway, about that video?" Saint spoke. "I think I can do something about it."

Saint moved to get his phone from his pockets and tapped a few numbers from his contact list, calling one particular P'Pring.

"Hello, P'Pring?" Saint smiled while answering the phone. He let us see the screen as he clicked 'loud-speaker' and placed in the table. All of us leaned close to hear what they are talking about.

[N'Saint! What do you want from Pring, ka?]

'Ohh' We all mouthed. We actually thought it was a girl.

"Well P', Saint have some favor to ask krap, if it's okay."

[Oye! As long as it's N'Saint, it's always okay. What is it?"

"About the video that was posted in your page, krap. Can I ask you to delete it?"

[Oh? About N'Bright declaring his love to a nong in the arts elective? Why ka?]

"It's actually someone I know and he said that Bright was just teasing him. So can you please delete it krap?"

[Hmmm.] P'Pring went silent for a few moments and everyone in the table were crossing their fingers, hoping she'd say yes. [Okay ka~! If that's what N'Saint wants.]

"Thank you very much krap.

Saint said and grabbed the phone back, ending the call. He patted my back as I sighed in relief.

"There might be someone out there who have saved the video but as long as the page deletes it and issues a statement, I'm sure this will be cleared."

"Thanks, man."

Sammy instantly refreshed the page for the video and after a few refreshes, the video was indeed gone. All of the people who shared the video from the page also got an error opening it. Saint's plan actually worked!

"It's gone!" Sammy exclaimed happily, although I could still sense an ounce of disappointment from her voice, which I ignored.

Everyone in the table seemed to have felt the same way as I did – relief. For a moment, I was really thankful at Saint and his connections. Saint has been a great help.

But then again, with the video out of the picture the issue will die down after a few weeks. I can go around pretending that it did not happen and go back to who I was before – the guy who have fun and go to class without any reservations of being teased and annoyed. But strangely, something is missing. I don't know what it is but I feel like I've found that thing, but now it's gone missing again.

And then by stroke of luck, a memory instantly came back to my mind.

'Winning Moment: Bright X Win'

And there it was again. My beating heart.

Seriously though?

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