Chapter Forty

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My heart started pounding as I looked down at what was in my pocket. I no longer felt safe with the idea of switching cars.

"Hey, Art?" I asked as we got out of the car.

"Yeah?" He asked, slamming his door shut.

"Who drove here, again?" I was hoping his answer would be the same.

"Mike did, why?" He smiled, not realizing I already asked the question earlier.

"No reason. I know I just left home, but I miss it." I lied, acting as casual as I could.

"We miss you too," he said as we rounded the other car.

"Oh, shoot! I forgot my drink, let me grab it!" I ran to the passenger seat of the car Milosh was driving and held down the automatic lock button, assuring that no one could get in or out. That is how the mafia cars work.

"DRIVE!" I command.

"What?" Milosh was in the mildly of eating fries.

"DRIVE!" I screamed again, and Arturo knocked on the window.

"Alaiyah, get out of the car, come on!" Arturo was still unaware of the puzzle I just solved.

"Did you know!?" I cried.

"Owe fhut?" Milosh spoke through a face full of fries.

"That he is working with the Russians and Santiago?!" I whisper-screamed!

"WHAT?!" Milosh now looked even more confused.

"No...I swear!" He said, holding his hands up.

"I may be Russian, but I am no trader! Those assholes are!" He actually loomed hurts.

"THEN DRIVE!" I growled in the lowest tone my body could make.

"Why is the door locked?" Arturo asked as he tried to open my door.

Instead of releasing the master lock, I kept my finger on it. Milosh put the car in drive and sped out of the open parking lot.

Thank god I chose to eat here. I thought to myself.

"Little ones back there, put your seat belts on, or I shoot you! Milosh said, looking in the review mirror at my brothers.

"Little one number three, there is a gun in the glove compartment." He nodded, never taking his eyes off the road.

I located the gun as my hands shook. I couldn't tell if I was more hurt or angry.

"Do you have phone?" He asked through his now, heavier Russian Accent.

"No, I didn't have time to grab it before you carried me out." That question could not mean anything good.

"Little ones back there. Do either of you have phone?" His eyes, glancing in the review mirror as he swerved through traffic.

"No, our brother didn't let us bring them." Royce cried out.

"Your necklace, press it three times!" Milosh now was going over a hundred, and I could see the other SUV catching up to us in my side mirror.

"What will that do?!" I screamed, scared out of my fucking mind.

"What do you mean, 'what will it do?' What won't it do!? Pressing it three times activates your GPS, the camera in your pendant, and allows You to speak to the men." He was speaking as if I should have known all of this.

"What do you mean, 'camera in my pendant!?" I couldn't believe my ears!

"Am I being spied one!?" I lost it!

"I knew about GPS, but not the other stuff!" I cried.

"They can only see the world around you through the wide-lens camera if you activate it! So do so cause I need to know where to go. Your brother just give me an address, and I drive."

Not wanting to argue with Milosh, I clicked the button three times, and I felt the charm vibrate. Within two seconds of it vibrating, I heard a voice that both irritated the living fuck out of me and soothed me at the same time.
"Amore! Put your hand down!" Lincoln screamed though the hidden mic.

I did what I was told, and Lincoln started to talking to me.

"Amore, I need you to stop crying so you can tell me what is going on? Can you do that for me?" His voice was calm but stern at this point, and I needed that right now.

"What is going on?" His tone now slow.

"I am in a car with Milosh, Kam, and Royce. Arturo is in a car behind us with Santiago's men!" I cried out.

"And Mio Amore, how do you know that?" His voice was still low and slow to calm me.

Because I found the ring, Santiago tried to force me to marry him with, in Arturo's jacket pocket. Arturo then lied and said that Milo was driving the other car. When I asked him again, his answer changed to Mike. Mike can't drive because he doesn't see well. He then wanted me to get in that other car with him by myself." I spoke through sobs.

"And Milosh, what is your roll in this?" Lincoln asked with an anger that made my pendant vibrate.

"Arturo told me that he wanted to surprise her with a boys. He said that he wanted to take her out and see how she was doing. When you two got in fight, I figure she need a space. I didn't know he was lunatic!" Milosh defended.

"Milosh, it's Fabian. Lucello has a safe house a half-mile up the road from you. I sent the Directions to your GPS, and he knows you are coming. Lose the tail and get Precious Cargo there!" Fabian said.

"No offense, Alaiyah. We just have you programmed under that code name and can't change it. Blame Lincoln; he was the one that thought you would be helpless." Fabian chuckled.

"Ouch bro, you gonna just do me like that?" Lincoln sounded upset that Fabian told me that.

"Alaiyah scares me." He mumble.

Leave it to those two, to make me laugh during a fucking car chase.

"Lincoln, why does my necklace keep vibrating," I asked.

"It does that when the person's other half touches theirs. It's to let you know I got your S.O.S, and it's a way to communicate without the speaker. Did my father not explain all that?" He asked, just as confused at Milosh.

"NO!" At the moment, I felt like my privacy was being invaded, but the vibration that I was poking through it annoying comforted me because I HATED Lincoln's guts right now!

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