Chapter 3 💫

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Stella drives home and helps her parents setup for a barbecue they planned with their old friend and their son, Seth, who is also a good friend of Stella's

The neighbors show up and honk their car horn to let them know they've arrived.

Summer, Arnie and Stella run outside to greet them.

Arnie to Seth's dad: Hello! Bobby, it's great to see you again buddy!

Bobby: you too man! And Summer, it's great to see you as well!

Summer: yes Bobby! We're always happy to see you. Stella you remember Bobby White?

Bobby: and Stella! Wow your looking so grown up! Heard your going to Peninsula college!

Stella to Bobby: yes I am! I love it there.

Bobby: good! Good! Of course oh remember my son Seth, right?

Stella: of course I do! I remember we played together often as kids and we went to the same elementary and middle school!

Seth to Stella: yea! It's good to see you again! Give me a hug! I missed you!

Seth and Stella share a friendly hug.

Summer to Bobby and Arnie: so, shall we take this to the backyard and begin our barbecue?

Bobby: let's do it!

Summer, Arnie, Stella, Bobby and Seth walk to Stella's backyard. The Harris's backyard is quite large with a bar, a barbecue, a pool, a swing set, a ping pong table, picnic table and is decorated with a bunch of flowers and strands of lights.

The parents sit at the backyard bar while Arnie grills hot dogs and hamburgers while they all have drinks and Stella and Seth sit at the picnic table.

Seth: So how've you been?

Stella: I've been pretty good. Just been busy with school work and hanging out with Cindy and Kelly.

Seth: no way! Your still friends with them?

Stella: yes of course! You know we've been best friends since birth! Their parents and my parents have also been best friends many years before we were born.

Seth: that's right! I miss them too! We should all hangout sometime.

Stella: yea I'd be down. Maybe after school one day or maybe during a weekend. So I forgot, which college do you plan on going to?

Seth: I actually don't plan on going to college but I do want to find a job and start to work. My dad was also thinking of getting me a job at his work

Stella: oh! Well I hope you get it. Good luck.

Seth: I really hope we can hangout more often!

Stella: yea, I hope so too. Maybe tomorrow after school you can meet Cindy and Kelly and I. We're gonna be shopping for a party though, I don't think that would be your thing

Seth: aye I don't mind! A long as I get to hangout with you guys. Ah sweet! Who's party is it?

Stella: it's actually the upcoming Extraterrestrials themed college party.

Seth: Extraterrestrials party? That's an interesting theme for a party.

Stella: what can we say? People are into that weird alien stuff nowadays

Seth: yea! I guess your right. Sounds like it'll be a cool party.


The next day, Stella drives to a nearby shopping center and Seth meets her there.

Seth: *walks inside the clothing store* Stella!

Stella: Hey Seth! Glad you can make it!

Seth: I'm glad as well! So where's Kelly and Cindy?

Stella: they're on their way.

Seth: that's good! So Stella, may I ask you something.

Stella: um, sure?

Seth: so I've really liked you for awhile, would it be ok if I can go to the party with you? Like, as a date?

Stella: I'm really not sure Seth. My love life's abit complicated and the party is for the college students only.

Seth: aw cmon I'll blend right in.

Stella: I wouldn't risk it Seth. And I'm not interested in anything romantic at the moment. I only like you as a friend

Seth: I see, um, I guess I'll see you later

Seth walks out the door and passed Cindy and Kelly. Cindy and Kelly meetup with Stella

Cindy: yo was that Seth?

Stella: yes. We hung out last night and we were hanging out for abit until I told him I only like him as friend

Kelly: you broke his heart already?

Stella: not already, I never lead him on and I never liked him romantically

Kelly: that's true. You never liked Seth back romantically.

Stella: I wish him well. I hope he won't get too hung up on me

Cindy: right? So anyways, what are we waiting for?! Let's shop!

The 3 friends look through the outfits and dresses for the E.Ts party

Kelly: *comes out of the fitting room with her chosen outfit which is a leather dress and leggings with green alien boppers* I like this one! What do you guys think?

Cindy: it's uh, it's good I guess?

Stella: yea, for a child's birthday party!

Kelly: Stella!

Stella: what? Remember besties are supposed to be honest with each other?! Im messing with you Kells! you know how much I love you

Kelly: whatever you think, I still love this outfit! I'm wearing it!

Stella: whatever floats your boat, Kells.

Cindy then tries on the outfit she chose which is a sparkly red crop top, bedazzled jean shorts and for accessories, alien sunglasses and silver alien boppers

Cindy: so what do you think? *strikes a pose*

Kelly: it's abit revealing....

Stella: I like it!

Cindy: Now Stella, show us what you chose!

Stella: *comes out of dressing room in a sexy black crop top, sparkly purple skirt and sparkly gray alien boppers* ta da!!

Cindy: that is so..HOT!!! You'll blow Caden's mind!

Kelly to Cindy: and I thought your outfit was abit revealing...

Stella to Cindy and Kelly: you guys know I'm not just trying to impress Caden. I am also just trying to have fun and dressup for a party.

Then suddenly a group of sketchy guys cat call the 3 friends from the other side of the window and say disrespectful things to them.

Kelly: ew!! They're so disgusting!

Stella to the guys: hey fuck off! We're not interested! Move along now!

The guys then make kissy faces at them and walk off

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