Chapter 8 ✨

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That evening, Stella and Caden are still in the woods but Stella doesn't want to keep any secrets from her best friends, Cindy and Kelly so she calls them to come meet her in the woods near her neighborhood. Caden is vibrating because he's nervous he's gonna scare away Cindy and Kelly and ruin their friendship with Stella.

Stella: *wraps her arms around Caden's waist* are you ok Caden?

Caden: not really, I'm afraid I'm gonna ruin your friendship with Kelly and Cindy.

Stella: if you want me to be honest, they might be alittle shocked at first and it may take them awhile to process the fact that your from another world, but trust me babe *holds Caden's face* they are my best friends! They would NEVER do me wrong and they respect anyone I'm friends with or in love with! Just breath.

Caden: *takes a few deep breaths*

Cindy and Kelly finally meet Stella and Caden in the woods

Cindy to Stella and Caden: hey guys! Didn't think you'd want us to crash your little party.

Stella: um, I literally just called you guys to come meet us here you dumbasses. So uh, Caden and I have something to tell you guys

Kelly: your getting married already?!

Stella: not yet Kelly and lemme finish.

Kelly: k sorry *giggles*

Stella to Cindy and Kelly: so you guys are my best friends and we made an oath to NEVER lie nor keep any secrets from each other. And this is me keeping that promises to you guys

Cindy: uh oh! Did he hurt you already?!

Stella: Cind, chill! We're fine! You guys promise not to freak out?

Cindy: I don't know, we gotta see what's gonna happen first. Isn't it dangerous being here in the woods at night?

Stella: I thought the same thing. Now come with us.

Caden and Stella lead Cindy and Kelly into the meadow where the stars and moon are glowing bright.

Caden to Cindy and Kelly: I know you guys are Stella's best friends so I couldn't keep this from you, this is what I am

Caden takes his shirt and jacket off and steps into the meadow and changes form under the starlight

Cindy and Kelly look in shock as they watch Caden's skin and eyes glow bright silver

Kelly: *slightly screams* what.....!!!! How is this even?!!!!

Cindy: wow.......

Stella watches Caden in amazement as she admires his alien form

Cindy: what is even happening?!! How is he, glowing and changing color and?!!?!

Stella: he's beautiful! Isn't he?

Kelly: *breathing heavily and points to Caden* Alien!!

Caden: yes, I am an Extraterrestrial . This is me

Kelly:  I can't even....

Cindy: this cant be happening!! This isn't possible!!

Stella: Remember on the first day of school, you did say he looks like he's out of this world! And you guys did call him beautiful!

Cindy: your right!! I knew it! *to Caden* I knew you were out of this world!

Kelly to Stella: your boyfriends an alien! So they are real!!

Stella to Cindy and Kelly: so you guys PROMISE us you won't tell ANYBODY!! not even your parents! Not anyone!

Kelly: of course not! Anything for you Stella!

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