Chapter 2 🌌

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Cindy and Kelly drop Stella home after their night at the cafe. Stella goes into her room and unpacks her things. The story now introduces Stella's mom, Summer.

Summer walks into Stella's room: hello there, how was your first day of junior year at peninsula?

Stella: hey mom, it was great! As usual I just stuck with Cindy and Kelly.

Summer: Aw I'm so glad you girls are all still friends! I'm still surprised their parents and I are still friends! Love those people!

Stella: yes, they are the bestest friends I ever had.

Summer: so tell me, did you meet any cute boys?

Stella: actually, yes I did. In astronomy class today.

Summer: ooh. Tell me all about it.

Stella: I mean he was very cute and handsome. But it doesn't really matter, looks like I only have astronomy class with him.

Summer: well! Maybe you should talk to him

Stella: I don't know. I guess we are only classmates. Mom, I have some homework to finish. Can we talk tomorrow?

Summer: ok sure! Goodnight sweetie! Remember, don't be late for school tomorrow.

Stella: I got it mom

Stella lays down on her bed and looks up to sky through her moonroof and thinks of looking into Caden's eyes. Meanwhile back at Caden's house he is doing the same while standing on the roof of his Earth home looking up to the stars while he thinks of Stella and slowly falls in love with her.

The next day at college, Stella, Cindy and Kelly are hanging out and chit chat before class. Stella stays quiet while she thinks of Caden and his electric touch.

Cindy: yo Stella, you've been abit quiet today, you good?

Stella: yes I'm fine.

Kelly: it's that Caden guy isn't it?

Stella: to be honest, yes, I couldn't get him out of my mind last night. Really want to approach him and ask him what his deal was yesterday.

Cindy: speaking of Caden... *points to an approaching car*

Yan and Ada park their cars next to each other in the student parking lot and get out of their cars. Stella watches them

Keith sees Stella lost in thought and he playfully throws a piece of paper at her head.

Stella snaps out of it.

Stella to Keith: seriously dude?

Keith: *giggles* sorry, you know I like to mess around.

Stella: yes Keith. We've been going to this college with you since freshman year, you think I don't know you like to mess around. Gets abit annoying sometimes

Keith: sorry haha. Didn't know you were that serious.

Stella rolls her eyes at Keith's mischief and looks back at Yan and Ada waking to class as they look back at her

A few days pass and Caden is nowhere to be found but while he is M.I.A, he is also thinking of Stella but doesn't want to go near her because he's scared of electrocuting her again and he doesn't want to act out. This is also Caden's first time falling in love with anyone in his entire life being alive for 801 years so he doesn't know what to do or what to expect. Meanwhile at nearby construction site, a worker is running for his life as he is being chased by a trio of unknown aliens. The worker is cornered by the aliens, attacked and they destroy half the building. It's a cold rainy day the next day and Stella is walking out of her house. The story now introduces Stella's dad, Arnie who is the town's local police officer. He pulls up to their house as he explains he fixed her car's tires for her.

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