Chapter 2 (Virgil and Remy)

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Lets get one thing straight here.

Thomas is gay but not all of his sides are gay. Some are Ace, Aro, Pan, Bi, and everything in between. Some of the sides (the non main sides) are nonbinary or genderqueer or demi and everthing in between becuse they dont have a definite form they can change their gender identity easily and show what they are to the fullest extent.

Which is why the path that Virgil was takeing was so diverse and colorful just the way Virgil liked it. Like Thomas said full rainbow all the time. Even so Virgil wore his normal hoodie. He would change it to something more colorful once he got to Remy.

Remy dispite what Thomas showed the world was always working. You know the whole humans dont use 100% of their brain at once, yeah that is Remy's job. And because of the weird sleep schedule for the non sides Remy never sleeps himself. Meaning coffee is a must which is why his house, and by house he means an apartment, is right above a Starbucks in the imagination. Sometimes it was a diffrent coffee shop as nothing stayed the same in this part of imagination but it was Remy's spot and if he wasn't there you would never find him. Unless you were his very sleep deprived boyfriend.

Virgil sighed he wasn't to late, his anxiety had made him start to leave way earlier than he had need but it turned out to be fine. He was less then 10 minutes late when he got to Remy's appartment. Iced pink drink waiting for Virgil as he got in the door. Looking at the time Virgil realized that both Patton and Thomas would be cooking right now, so Remy was probably out putting various non sides to sleep as Thomas switched gears from memorizing a dance number to cooking.

Virgil sighed for a second time realizing he would have to wait for his boyfriend to get back. Virgil grabed some clothes from his side of the closet and pulled on the gaint pink sweater and the soft pink choker that he has had since the second time he was "born". Oh how he hated his old hoodie even his new one wasn't what the anxiety ridden side wanted. And no surprise that the side was too anxious to actually wear the pastel that he wanted around the others. Getting on a pair of short workout shorts (the ones that end at the butt and are tight) Virgil snuggled into the couch, wraping himself in the multitude of sloft fuffy blankets, and slowly sipped his drink wait for Remy to get back.

Remy opened the door abruptly causeing the bundle on the couch to jump before reaching out for cuddles. Remy frowned a little, Virgil was alway touch starved when he came to vist. Not that the other wouldn't give him hugs and such but Virgil still didn't trust them to that point yet. Virgil would occassionally hang onto Logan's arm when he couldn't get to Remy but, didn't trust Patton to not overwhelm him and Roman to not push him away. The little keen that Virgil gave out when Remy pulled him into his lap let Remy know that his little boyfriend, was especially needy right now. Meaning someone had a bad panic attack.

"Hey hun, did you have a panic attack?"

Virgil shook his head.

"Did Thomas have one sweety?"

Virgil shook his head again.

"Was it Lo, Ro, or Patt?"

Virgil mumbled into his sweater paws.

"You gotta speak up Princess"

"Patt he-he thought I was leaving and I had to explain that I was visting you and he asked about Remus and Dee. W-well he asked about my parents. I didn't tell him that mom and dad are Dee and Mus, but what if he guesses and hates me."

Remy grabed the empty drink from the pastel emo and filled it up with the powers of pure need for more.

"Well hun, they haven't seen Dee and Remus act like parents yet, have they. and knowing you you explained the non sides. So Patton probably thinks a pair of thoses sides are your parents, and such. Am I right girl?"

"Well yeah" was the muffled reply. Virgil had a habit if chewing on clothes no one knew where this came from as none the other sides has something like this, but Virgil, to calm down, needs to chew something. It can be fingers, blankets, clothes, hoodie strings, plushies or food of some kind. Which may have lead to an obsession with gum.

Remy sighed noticing the tick that Virgil displayed. Creating a stick of gum and trying to take the sweater collar from his boyfriend.

"Come on babe you have been good with this sweater to don't want to ruin it right?"

Virgil imeaditly grabed the gum and let the sweater go.

"That's better now Black Cauldron and then a nap okay hun?"

Virgil nodded. Content in the warmth and safety of his boyfriend Virgil fell asleep quickly.

Remy sighed. Slowly brushing Virgils fluffy hair he wondered when the sweet boy and his parents would find out that the lights didn't remember the incedent. That the lights didn't remember hurting them, Deceit saveing them from being killed right away or Virgil getting them saved from being killed when the disgusting excuse of a man realised there was no way out.

How does he know this you might ask, simple. When you sleep your brain sorts your memories and guess who is in charge when everyone is asleep. REMY.

(943 words)
Hello RayRay here just letting you guys know I have no real update schedule but I am going for 1 update a week. (Probably more right now cus I am obsessed with sandersides rn) That being said what do you guys think? Some questions are answered Virgils parents are Dee (mom) and Remus (dad) . Virgil is dateing Remy as in sleep and this is the first time you guys see pastel Virgil. (The spider part will come later as will what the incedent was) What do guys think the incedent was let me know. Love you peeps.

Hey its Noodlenut3real. I am the beta to this story. Come check me out! Yeah you guys were saved from a bunch of mistakes that RayRay made but if you see any more just comment where please!

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