Chapter 1 - Backstory

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Authors Note: Some of this chapter will be a recap on I believe the origin episode - where Adrien joins the school and meets Marinette, Alya and Nino - with a few tweaks - and then it goes off to my au so don't panic if you don't remember the original backstory fully! If you don't wish to read the recap skip a few paragraphs (skim through them to see what you miss) and start where you feel comfortable. My writing is really terrible in this chapter I'm sorry, I promise it gets better when it's the proper writing  :( - Wrenn <3

Adrien and Marinette first met when he joined the school when they were 13. He had been homeschooled as his father was overprotective but one day, after convincing from his mother, he was finally allowed at school. As the son of the two people that run the famous Agreste circus, he was very well known but had very few friends - very few true friends to be specific. On his first day of in-person school, he became friends with everyone minus one raven-haired, bluebell eyed girl: Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

Marinette shuffled into class late like every day, Alya throwing information in her direction which just went in one ear and out the next, and watched as a boy she didn't recognise messed around with something on her seat.

"What are you doing?" she called out as she placed a hand on his shoulder, looking over him to see what he was doing.

His friend and Marinette's mortal enemy, Chloe, had put gum on her seat and he was attempting to take it off but Marinette didn't see it that way.

"What the hell are you doing?!" she yelled and he jumped back.

"I was just trying to take the gum off your seat-" he explained only to get interrupted by an eruption of giggles from Chloe's direction.

"Oh, I see how it is. Chloe's friend," Marinette responded as he pushed Adrien out of her way and placed a tissue over the gum before sitting down, "Go then. Join Chloe."

Marinette was constantly in the same class as Chloe and didn't have many friends until Alya joined. She was bullied constantly but finding a friend in Alya allowed her to gain the bravery to start to stand up for herself but it wasn't always that easy. After seeing Adrien put gum on her seat - or so she thought - she hated him almost instantly. His involvement with Chloe was enough for her to despise him. It wasn't until the end of the school day that all her feelings towards Adrien changed.

After school, it was pouring with rain and because Marinette had to walk home she was waiting for the rain to stop, staring glumly at the grey sky as she eagerly waited for the clouds to clear. Adrien saw her there and decided to finally tell her the truth, that Chloe put the gum on the seat and that he didn't. As he was getting driven home, he handed his umbrella to her as an apology but it closed on her causing them both to giggle and smile at each other. You could sense the chemistry from miles away.

Ever since that day a never-ending friendship was formed. Marinette's friend group went from just her and Alya to a group of four containing them as well as Nino Lahiffe and Adrien Agreste. For Marinette, something more than a friendship was built on the day of the umbrella incident. Her words were always on the tip of her tongue but when she spoke to Adrien the words seemed to fall out as a stutter. Her crush on Adrien was huge, the strongest crush she'd ever experienced in fact, but she could never tell him - she would not risk the friendship and the fact that she couldn't talk to him also made confessing that much harder. This crush lasted for about a year but in this time, Adrien had found someone else. Their best friends Nino and Alya found comfort and love in each other in this time as well, being the cutest couple she'd ever seen in Marinette's opinion.

Adrien started dating Chloe at his father's request - a publicity stunt for their circus - and therefore Marinette was forced to move on from her extreme crush. Once she was over her crush, her friendship with Adrien became a lot better than it ever was and the group of four became closer than ever. There was no more stuttering and no more stumbling, not until Luka and Kagami came into the picture that is.

The stuttering came back when Marinette ran into Juleka's older brother, Luka, and it wasn't too soon after that, they started dating. Chloe and Adrien broke up when she moved to New York with her mother (that didn't last too long and she moved back less than a month later) but when Kagami joined the school and joined fencing as well Adrien immediately fell for her. Marinette did feel a bit jealous when she saw the way he looked at Kagami, the way he never looked at her, but even with this jealousy that she felt deep down, she found comfort in her new ally, Luka.

Adrien and Marinette found love in the two new people that entered their lives. Their friendship only grew from there after all romantic feelings between them had gone. Marinette and Luka were perfect together and so were Kagami and Adrien. It had seemed like they were going to be together forever... Adrien and Kagami, Luka, and Marinette. The power couples.. or so people thought.

One Miraculous Circusजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें