Another One Opens

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Third POV

Virgil glanced around his room. He was anxious, big surprise. He could feel a chill run down his back. He felt like he was being watch, this fact was far from unusual. He was still a little hurt by what Roman told him, but he was trying to not let it put him into one of his moods.

Virgil sighed and walked out of his room. He slipped down the stairs silently and walked into the kitchen. He found Patton trying not to cry as Logan held his hand under cool water. Patton forced a pained smile at him. " Hey there kiddo" Patton half whimpered. Virgil flinched at the pain in the voice of the father figure of a side. " Are you alright there, Patt" Virgil asked worry creeping into his voice. Patton nods as he brushes tears from his eyes with his free hand "I'm fine". Virgil grabbed a pancake and flashed a quick smile to Patton.

Roman, on the other hand, had finally picked an outfit. He was wearing a red shirt with a crown on his left breast and blue skinny jeans. He made sure the shirt was loose fitting to hide how ugly he was. He walked down stairs humming a Disney song to himself. He walked into the kitchen. Everyone seemed to be waiting for him. Patton smiled at him. This made Roman's day just a little bit better. Roman smirked, " What's up?" Roman asked. Patton smiled brighter, "The ceiling," Logan said in a matter of fact tone. Roman rolled his eyes and sat down Everyone starts eating. Everything started to fade away as if everyone at the table was starting to wake up from a vivid dream. Roman jumped his feet and drew his sword.

Virgil was panicking. This was understandable considering his world was disappearing. He had curled into a little ball as soon as it happened. He avoided looking around as nausea had hit him hard when everything started disappearing. Everything jumped back into focus only to fade again. Virgil gagged trying not to throw up. All of the sides fall to the ground sick. Logan was trying his best to keep composed. A creeping feeling started to creep into all of them. Everyone was nervous not just the anxious side. Something was not right.

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