Happy Birthday, Baby!!!!

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"It was no problem, now dance with me Lili darling."

"Happy to, Rosie dearest."

Ophelia was having a grand time when she felt eyes on her

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Ophelia was having a grand time when she felt eyes on her. It wasn't uncommon now. With her new reputation. She hated it so much.

"Where's Lita?" Asked Ophelia,

"Dunno, maybe chopping off one of Riddles testicles." The music changed songs right as Primrose said testicles the entire party was consumed with laughter.

"You said Testicles." Laughed Ophelia,

"Shut up." Said Primrose as the pair kept dancing.

"Tommy boy." Said Lolita as she sat down opposite Tom in the library. He grimaced and looked up at the Spanish witch who had found him. "I hear you've been fucking with Lia again."

"She ended things, I am now respecting her wishes." Said Tom, his posture straight like a rod.

Lolita leant forward a bit, "Unlike last time you mean? Making yourself sick just to get laid is a little desperate." Said Lolita raising a perfect eyebrow.

"What are you even doing here?" He asked, folding his hands in front of him.

"Well, it's Lia's birthday, Primrose thought I should make an appearance." She shrugged, "But I wanted to see you. Because getting kicked once isn't enough for what you did to Lia."

Tom stiffened and Lolita laughed, loud and mocking just like he remembered.

"I'm kidding, I'm more for psychological torment. I'm good at making people do what I want." Said Lolita.

"What do you want?" Asked Tom,

"I don't know, but you'll be the first person I tell." Said Lolita, smiling at him. "But for now, I'm going to tell you something else."

Her perfume was fragrant and It would be intoxicating if Tom didn't despise the Spanish witch so much.

"You will never not regret what you've done. Everytime you so much as see the colour yellow or smell something sweet you'll be reminded of what you lost. What you drove away. You strike me as someone with a tragedy in their past, now Lia and I also faced tragedy but we don't let it define us. You do. Dark lord or not you'll always just be a lonely little boy who grew up alone and who will die alone." Spat Lolita, venom lacing her tone, but her face gave away nothing of what was actually leaving her lips.

Tom's expression hardened,

"What did they call you when you were young, Tommy?" She asked, "Crazy? Something wrong in the head? But Lia never cared did she? About your past. With her on your arm you could've become minister. All that power. But I guess living forever is alright even if it will be a miserable life."

Oh, Ophelia | Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now