Chapter 2

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That had all happened a year ago. Now the four were close as ever, and had made a few new additions to the group. Zoe's boyfriend, Andrew, two girls named Lily and Natalie.
Alec greeted the group in front of the theme park. They had started a tradition where every now and then we went somewhere and slept over at someones house. By now they were all juniors, and quite frankly Alec wasn't looking forward to next year.
(just to clarify, his depression has improved and he only gets episodes of the same severity he had in the previous year)
"Finally, you're here, now we can go in!" Zoe was still dramatic as ever.
"You say that like we've been waiting longer than 5 minutes."
Jack shook his head. He's been going through what most people would call, a fuck boy phase. He had the haircut and would always wear grey sweatpants or shorts. Not that Alec is complaining though, he looked hot as ever.
"Guys we gotta go or the lines will get long." Will said, pushing back his blonde hair that had grown out to just past his ears. Tan and toned arms exposed in the red tank top he wore. He'd really gotten into crossfit lately.
Alec had a sneaking suspicion he liked Lily, and he couldn't blame him to be honest. Lily was very cute, she was filipino, her slightly wavy black hair cut to her shoulders with bangs, almond shaped green anime eyes, and full lips, perfect skin, not to mention an amazing body (slim thiccie, she plays volleyball) she was basically the whole package. If Alec wasn't gay he'd probably want to date her too.
Natalie dragged them to the entrance, trying to avoid running into people. Her long black hair accidentally whipping in a random lady's face who glared at her as we rushed past her.
As soon as we got in, we split up, Natalie, Jack, and Alec going to the hardcore roller coasters first and the rest planning on working their way up.
Surprisingly, despite her confident aura, Zoe was terrified of roller coasters, and it required a shit ton of convincing to even get her on the baby roller coasters.
The relationship between Jack and Alec hadn't advanced whatsoever, much to his dismay. He'd had a couple of girlfriends since we met him,  and he'd never really approved of any of them, they were all kind of stuck up. Currently, he was taking a break from dating, and he felt like they had gotten a bit closer, but Alec dismissed this as him getting his hopes up again. (I'm going to switch POVs to first person, sorry I'm too lazy to keep writing it like that ;-;) He didn't even have any proof Jack was remotely gay at all. Other than the few times he would randomly comment about guys being hot, which was probably nothing.
(switching back to 1st POV sorry y'all!)
We got into the 30 minute line for an exciting looking thrill ride. As we conversed and moved through the line slowly, Jack made his way from the back of the small group of people we had, to the front where I was standing. Just him being near me made my heart go crazy.
I'd been trying to get over my ridiculous crush for the entirety of the time I'd known him, but to no prevail. Something about him, maybe it was the way he looked, the way he laughed, his personality, just drew me to him. However, I knew we'd never be more than friends, so to avoid ruining what we already had, I pushed my feelings deep down.
Unfortunately though, everyone knows crushes are hard to get over. Especially if you don't get your feelings off your chest, which is probably why I had yet to rid myself of this feeling. I knew he'd never feel the same but when he's this close it's hard to keep my mind from wandering.
Snapping myself out of my thoughts, I realized that we were entering the final queue area. And of course, Jack was going to be seated next to me on this two person ride because God loves to torture me.
We seated ourselves on the ride and Jack turned to me
"This is probably a bad time to tell you that I'm actually terrified of rollercoasters, but I didn't want to take away from my overwhelming masculinity."
I laughed, "Its okay, if you get too scared you can hold my hand, just so you don't piss yourself."
He c h o r t l e d and responded "In all honesty I might have to."
Fuck. I meant that as a joke. We literally just got here, I cannot afford a hard on so early in this mental torture one normally calls an outing with friends.
As the ride ensues we start the treacherous climb to what would be the start of something I would never dream of imagining at this particular moment. A butterfly effect if you will.
Jack wasn't lying when he said he'd hold my hand, but what I wasn't expecting was for this kid to give my poor hand the death grip. I could tell he was doing this in order to restrain himself from screaming his head off, and I couldn't help but to laugh at the poor kid.
"Adorable" I whispered to myself. Good thing he couldn't hear my small voice over the wind rushing past our ears and we were whipped around this metal death machine intended to cause enjoyment by boosting adrenaline as it dropped us from unbelievable heights at unreasonable speeds.
We got off the ride and I immediately began to antagonize him,
"You really weren't kidding! For a second there I thought you might pass out."
"I'm pretty sure I did."
"Maybe these things are just too much for you, I mean if you can't handle them I'm sure the ladies would be happy for you to join them."
"Not in a million years Al."
He'd used this nickname on me ever since he discovered I hated it. Of course hearing it come from him didn't bother me in the slightest though, but I'd never let him know that.
"Ha-ha." I said sarcastically, whipping my head from him in an over-dramatic manner.
He slung his arm around my shoulder,
"You know I love you." He teasingly replied.
I turned my head to hide my face which was by now probably redder than Bob the Tomato.
"Yeah right."
By noon we had been on a total of 5 rides and I could tell Jack had about had enough. So I complained of a stomach ache and asked him to accompany me to the clinic at the front of the park.
"Thank you so much, I don't think I could handle another one of those rides."
"I don't think my hand could either." I rubbed it, pretending to be in pain.
"Sorry about that." He said laughing
"It's okay I'm just messing with you."
"So what do you want to do while we go to this clinic." He said, using air quotes on the last word.
"There's one of those 4-D movie things over there, you wanna go do that?"
"Sure, would give me a break from all of the fear."
Well I'd forgotten that 4-D meant a 15 minutes of jump scares, sudden sprays of water, and bursts of air.
So Jack and I decided that we'd had enough of the adrenaline for the day, and it being 4, we agreed we wouldn't be called pussies for wanting to call it a day. However, the rest of the group was nowhere near ready to leave, they'd been working their way up to the thrill rides and finally got up the courage to do them, so they wanted to keep going.
I had driven to the park, so we decided to head out to my car.
Holy sHit.
Except I'm going to conceal my gay panic and push it deep down into the depths of my soul. Doesn't even matter we're going to my car. Alone. It's whatever totally fine.
Jack texted the group chat to let them know where we were headed, which had been named "The Chum Bucket" after a loving nickname given to an unnamed member of the group. We can't expose them.
Zoe immediately texted me a winky face and I of course had the sudden desire to commit first degree murder.
Jack and I got into the car and I turned on Lil Peep immediately because deep conversations are always associated with Peep.
"I'm not sure I enjoyed that." Jack laughed awkwardly
"Don't worry, I assure you i enjoyed that just as much as you did... but why did you actually go with our group and not the other, I know you don't care what they think. You trying to impress someone?" I gave him a sly grin but on the inside I knew I probably had just set myself for inevitable heartbreak.
He hesitated, looking straight into my eyes for what felt like forever, and his expression was unreadable. However, I could tell the wheels were turning in that complex mind of his. He simply replied with,
"uh- I dunno."
"Mhm sure." I responded, then feeling the need to change my answer I continued,
"It's fine I wont push it."
He nodded and then reached for the aux cord. I prepared myself for his strange and vast taste in music. He decided he was going to bully me by playing "It's You" by Ali Gatie. Not that he knew he was bullying me, my vulnerable mind takes irrelevant things as signs.
We sat in the car, just vibing, and before I knew it I had knocked out, and I woke up to Jack shaking my shoulder.
I sat up ever so violently and he burst into laughter. I wiped drool off the side of my mouth and silently cursed God for making me this way.
"How long was I passed out?" I was too nervous to look at the time.
"About an hour? I've kinda just been sitting here."
And as if I couldn't be any more embarrassed, he added,
"You drool in your sleep."
My face turned bright red and I grasped the steering wheel and buried my head between my hands.
He simply laughed,
"It's cute."


Hello my darlings! This chapter is a little longer than the last but still short in terms, I like to have about 2000 words, but this only has around 1700. Regardless, they will be getting longer as the story progresses; I hope you're following it well, and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask! Have a lovely day, stay healthy, stay safe.
All my Love,
        Author Wal <3

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