not really happy reunion

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Y/N P.O.V:

            I walked down into the murky forest waiting for my target to be spotted in the sky, I hid in a bunch of bushes and setting up my giant bazooka gun.  As I put together the gun I get a call from the guy who hired me,  Amara or as I call him Mr.Dork Guy

-In call:

Me: What is it

Amara/Dork Guy: They're coming soon

Me: I know, once I get them to trust me I'll make sure you get to kill them and I get to have  my reward

Amara/Dork Guy: You better not mess it up or else you know what's coming

Me: I get, I get, don't worry I never miss my target

End of Call-

I hanged up the guy and suddenly I hear a ship coming. I take out my binoculars and zoomed in to see what ship it was. Turns out it was my target so, I grabbed my bazooka and launch 3 or 4 missiles.  Let's see if the Guardians of the Galaxy can survive that.

Peter's P.O.V:

We got a request from an unknown person that wants us to capture this female name Aella who's worth a lot of units once we sent her to Nova Corps.

"We gonna be rich once we capture this person," said Rocket in a greedy way. I roll my eyes replying back "Rocket for once can we not think about the units"

"Oh I'm sorry Quill what I meant was WE GONNA BE STINKING RICH!" as Rocket continue bickering about how rich we or HE gonna be.

Then out of nowhere, we heard a big sound coming from outside and we started going down into the forest. Everyone was panicking about the ship going to crash.

'I am Groot'

"Yes, I know what I am doing"Rocket exclaimed while trying to steer the ship.

Rocket and I try to land Milano safely but of course, as always we crash in the ground.

"Is everyone ok" I turned around asking everyone.

     Nebula replied in a sarcastic way  "Of course we're fine we just didn't land the ship down on ground causing us to land to almost our very death "

"But, we just did," said Mantis in confusion while trying to get up. Drax lends a hand to Mantis and helps her up. "Nebula was saying that in a sarcastic way Mantis," replied Drax trying to explain to Mantis about it.

We got out of the ship and when I saw my beautiful ship ruined for the who knows what many times once again. I heard a noise that sounds like a tree branch stepped on and everyone went to a battle position. Then I see a very bright bullet heading to me and I was able to dodge it but when it hit some old tree it exploded like a bomb.

"Holy shit, I could've died from that bullet"

Whoever shot that could've actually killed me. Out of the blue, the person who shot that bullet came out. Half of her face was covered but I could see her e/c eyes and her s/c. Her outfit was a bit revealing-ish since she wore a hooded jacket. But what I noticed was that when she took off the hood her ears and tails showed. She looked familiar but I can't put my mind into it.  Then she transforms into a raccoon and her outfit changed into a similar outfit as Rocket.

"Hey, Rocket I thought there's no one like you, except you, "Drax said while chuckling.

We all wait for his reply but when we turn he looks kind of angry like he wants to blast her face off.

'I am Groot'

Then he snapped out of it and replied: "I'm good, just thinking  of a plan, now let's beat her up and get our units!"


I stood there looking at the 3 Guardians 'I haven't seen them for a while now'  I kept my feet steady ready for any attacks. The first person to attack was a blue techno thing was called Nebula. 'Daughter of the tyrant, Thanos. I wonder why she chose to join the Guardians'  Her attacks were good but as soon I dodge her attack I grabbed her hand and flipped her down to the ground. The next person was a big guy with red tattoos and an alien girl. The big guy was able to grab me and the alien girl touch my head saying 'sleep'  I manage to have a little strength to come over it and bit the guy really hard.

He lets go and holding his arm yelling like a kid "That rodent bit my arm like I'm a chew toy!"

"Who you calling rodent ya big turd " I snapped as I grab my gun ready to fire. I change back to human form so I can have a little advantage but I notice one of the Guardians of holding a gun and shot an electric bullet. I could've dodge but I have to remember the plan or else I won't get my dough. I got hit by it and passed out while my body hurt like hell.

Peter POV:

Drax and I grabbed her once we got into the ship we put her on the table and examined her. Mantis put her hands on top of her head and examined her emotions.

"I can't make out her emotion for some reason but I can say is that she feels lonely and broken but happy at the same time" Mantis explained. Rocket needed to scan the female face but he needed her to take her mask off. As I take her mask off it hit me out of nowhere. I started to remember her now. She was my former Ravanger and my old pal of mine when I was a teen. I just stood there looking at her. She still kept her h/c hair grew longer and she looked older now but still the same Y/N like I remember. Then I notice a triangular piece of metal in one of her pockets. I take it and press the center button.

The metal started showing pictures and videos of her and other strangers. We all stared at the gallery and notice there was me in of the videos and a picture of  ..... ROCKET! Suddenly, everyone turns their eyes on me and Rocket. Oh boy, I have a lot of explanation to do.

Please excuse my grammar and continue on the story. Tank You!

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