Chapter 9: The New Co-Worker

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As you may have noticed, I have finally caught up with the part where I left of. So this is a BRAND NEW CHAPTER =)

I had initially thought that I'd post this tomorrow. But this morning, I received my first college acceptance letter, so I just had to post =)

Although I'd love to babble on and on, I afraid I can't. I'm in the middle of watching the 2012 Election, and I must admit it is quite exciting.

So, Enjoy!


“Behind every beautiful thing, there's some kind of pain.” ― Bob Dylan

It was only with great reluctance, and much prodding from the better half of her conscience, that Hermione got out of the protective covers of her bed the next morning. And with even greater reluctance, and against what she at that moment deemed as better judgment, she began her daily routine of getting ready for work.

After she got ready at a snail’s pace, ate enough breakfast to put Ron to shame, and brushed her teeth three times, she decided that she couldn’t possibly waste any more time. It was time to face the music.

Thus, she fastened her cloak, squared her shoulders, gathered up her Gryffindor courage and appparated to the entrance of the Ministry. By the time she went down the telephone booth (they had been re-installed after the war) and made it to the entrance of the Department of Law Enforcement, her courage had dwindled considerably (something she credited as an aftereffect of spending a weekend with three Slytheirns), and she seriously considered placing a disillusionment charm on herself.

She made it all the way to her office with running into Cormac, or anyone for that matter, much to her great pleasure. She closed the door, sank into the comforts of her chair, and released a breath she didn’t even know she was holding in.

Her peace was short lived. Mere seconds after Hermione sat down, Parvati rushed into the room.

“Hermione! There you are!” She squealed. “I’ve been looking for you since forever! Literally! You missed the meeting!!”

“Oh bollocks! The meeting was today, wasn’t it?” Hermione asked, her eyes widening in horror. She had been so caught up in hiding form Cormac, that the meeting had completely slipped her mind. Especially considering the Minister himself was attending the meeting. “I can’t believe I missed it! I must apologize to Kingsley immediately!”

”He left already,” Cho answered, having walked into Hermione’s office and having heard the last sentence. “But I did tell him that you were violently sick and couldn’t brew the remedy in time to attend the meeting, if that helps any.”

“Thank you so much! You are a lifesaver!” Hermione practically screamed in relief.

“So why are you so late?” Cho asked perched on the edge of the desk.

“Yeah, you’re usually the first one here!” Parvati added, taking a seat in one of her plush chairs.

“Long story,” Hermione replied, not wanting to say anything in front of Parvati, the renowned and infamous gossiper of the Department of Law Enforcement.

“Ok, but you shall tell me all about it during lunch,” Cho replied. “Including an explanation for your disappearing act in France.”

Hermione was saved from replying by Parvati’s very Umbridge like “ahem.”

“Would you like a cough drop?” Herimione offered politely.

“No,” Parvati replied slightly miffed. “I believe Cho forgot to tell you about an interesting development that took place during this morning’s meeting.”

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