Chapter 5

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teazer and jerrie are some of my favs i love them
"'Ey! Do ya' think 'e can do all, ah, fancy magic sparkles, like 'stoffelees does?"
"Nah, 'teazer, this guy 'asnt even got outta the 'age yet!"
The first voice let out a loud laugh, and the other shushed her. "Oh, 'jerrie, we 'oulda gotten outta 'ere! It woulda taken us no-time at all!"
There were two cats talking outside of Mistoffelees cage. Both had strange voices. They were kind of squeaky, and drew out certain letters while cutting others out of the words completely. The cat hasn't moved an inch since he had heard them, not wanting to give himself away.
However, the two seemed to be smarter then he had thought.
"'Teazer, 'es movin! See, 'is breat-in changed 'round. Think 'es 'wake?"
"Oh, we 'ould try 'n see! I wanna meet a new guy 'round 'ere!"
He heard the cats move closer to the corner he was curled in.
"'Tink 'es 'ere ta stay, 'jerrie?" Asked the more feminine voice.
The tom replied with, "O', I dunno darlin', Tugger don't seem to 'ant 'im 'ere."
A claw tapped his head.
"'Ey! 'Ats goin on in there, Mister? You gone brain dead or some-tin'?"
"Oi, 'teazer, think we 'ould get Jenny? Maybe he actually is 'urt. Tugger can be tough, ya know."
"'Ait, no, Imma try some-tin! 'F I 'urt 'im, get prepared to ru, brotha'."
Everything went quiet for a second. A few leaves rustled. Then, suddenly, Mistoffelees was hit hard by... something!
Mistoffelees leapt up with a yowl, flying to the other side of the cage. His back hit the metal hard, and he fell to the bottom, curling his paws around his head. The tom let out a whimper. His back hurt, his side hurt where he had gotten hit, and his head hurt from getting thrown across the cage and hitting the top.
Two laughs filled the air, and he took a look up to finally see who had been bothering him.
On the outside of the cage stood a tom-cat and a queen. Both were younger, with multi-colored fur. They were obviously well taken care of, as they both had collars and were of decent weight. Nothing like Bustopher Jones size, but certainly well fed. The queen held a long, heavy stick, which had obviously been used to wack his side through the cage.
Suddenly, with a blink of his eyes, both were gone from in front of him.
He heard a giggle to his left, a look, to see the tom-cat.
A sudden glance to the right confirmed that the she-cat was calmly sitting over there.
Both giggled, and suddenly they had switched sides.
"'Ey, 'stoffelees!" Called one. The other finished with, "You ain't the real deal, or ya' woulda stopped us from 'ittin ya!"
"Do ya know 'o we are?" They chorused as one, suddenly still.
Mistoffelees shivered, suddenly nervous and even more wary. He hated the idea of actually conversing with these strange cats, but it seemed like he wouldn't be left alone unless they provoked a response out of him. "O- Oh my, I'm afraid that I don't know you. Well, uh, sorry for not knowing your names, b-but uh- should- shouldn't you be off? I don't know, roaming around? C-causing- causing trouble elsewhere?"
"Ah, we are incurably givin' ta roam!" giggled the tom, seemingly happy about his response.
The she-cat slapped him across the head. "Stop flirtin' around, 'jerrie! We gotta keep a mystery up!"
"Oh, shut ya' trap, 'teazer! I don' like toms like 'at!" He cried in response.
Suddenly, both turned back to him. The two cats seemed to be so perfectly in-sync, it was mildly terrifying. Together, they asked him, "'ave ya' guessed our names 'et?"
Quickly shaking his head, Mistoffelees turned so he could see them both face on, not liking the idea of having his back to the two troublemakers.
Both the cats smiled as he slunk backwards.
"Aw, 'es done scare' o' us, 'teazer!" Cooed the tom.
The other frowned. "'e can't 'ave that, can 'e now?"
She approached him first. "'At ovah 'ere is Mungojerrie!"
Mungojerrie, who had previously been behind the other cat, was suddenly in front of her. It was almost like magic that they had swapped places, but if there was one thing that Mistoffelees was good at, it was feeling magic in the air. There was none, so he had no idea what was going on.
"'At ovah 'ere is Rumpleteazer!" He said proudly.
They both appeared next to each other, and, once again speaking in unison, said, "We're a notorious couple 'a cats."
At this, Mistoffelees gasped. "I- its you! You almost got Victoria in trouble!"
Rumpleteazer frowned. "'at cute lil' kit? Vicky? Aw, she 'ould nevah do anythin' bad! Ya let us 'atch 'er befo', 'member?"
"I would never let you near Victoria-"
Suddenly, both the cats held their paws up, to silence his meows.
"Ya' magic cant sense 'at, can it?" Mungojerrie asked.
Both of the cats darted off suddenly, not making a single sound.
As suddenly as they had vanished, two more appeared. These cats were completely identical in looks, so identical that  Mistoffelees almost couldn't tell that one was a tom and the other a queen.
"You are ready to go see him?" Asked one.
"You are ready to meet the great leader?" The other continued.
"Who- Who are you?" Mistoffelees asked, confused. One set of twins had been replaced by another, and, honest to the Everlastic Cat, he couldn't tell if this was a prank or not.
"Tantomile," said the tom, "Do you believe that he is prepared?"
"Coricopat," said Tantomile, "I believe he is prepared."
"I- What- Is this some sort of joke?"
The twins froze, looking at him very hard.
"Do not listen to whatever Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer told you. They simply like to cause mindless trouble. Real twins know exactly what needs to be done now."
Mistoffelees had no clue which was which, and didn't know who had said that, so he just nodded along.
The two cats exchanged another glance, nodded, and suddenly the cage was unlocked. Flanked by the creepy twins, Mistoffelees was walked over to another section of the Junkyard.
In this area, the queens from this morning sat, along with a collection of other cats. Both the toms, the one who had brought him to this place and the one who had decided to lock him up, were perched on a ledge. The two cats from earlier, Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer, were in a corner. They weren't completely hidden, but they also weren't directly in the view of everyone. They nodded at him, but he didn't reply. Beneath the ledge that the two previously mentioned toms were sitting on, was a black and white cat. He had a patch of black fur on one eye, while the rest of his face was white. Another tom, who could have passed as a kitten but was obviously older, sat next to him.
In their own little corner, an older, large, well-dressed cat stood 6proud. An extremely old cat sat near him, with an old queen talking to him in a quiet voice. A tom walked up to the heavier cat and offered him a seat, which he accepted.
Off in the distance, seemingly oblivious to what was going on, the kittens played. They chased each other and a few butterflies. Some of the cats would glance towards them now and again, obviously keeping an eye on them.
The tom from earlier, the one who had put him in the cage, stood.
"Jellicle Cats of the Junkyard," He called. His voice was loud and smooth, not shouting, but somehow managing to project to everyone around him. Even the kits in the distance seemed to have quieted down. He reminded Mistoffelees of Munkustrap, from his junkyard, and if this place was anything like his own, then it probably was Munkustrap.
"Jellicle Cats of the Junkyard," Munkustrap repeated, "I am Munkustrap, protector, storyteller, and next in line of our clan." He paused a moment, as if to let his words take effect. "We gather here on this unusual day to discuss a very intriguing problem." He raised his paw in Mistoffelees direction. "It appears as though we have an imposter in our midst, and with help from all of you, we will find out what is happening."

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