Seongjoong (f)

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Story plot: seonghwa and hoongjoong are just a normal couple hut today the weather wasn't going so well to be one their side today so they had to cancel plans.

Hoongjoong and seonghwa were sitting on the couch watching a movie when it started to rain,they didn't think much of it as it was just a little sprinkling and thought it would only be a few minutes.

During the movie at some point it started to rain heavily,with rain falling fast and hard on to the roof and the windows.

Then all of a sudden the electricity cut off leaving both males in the dark."seonghwa didnt think much about it till he felt hoongjoong shaking in his arms.

"Joongie are you alright"? Seonghwa asked with clear worry evident in his voice.

"I-im fine seongie" he replied of course having to stutter since he was  afraid of the dark.

"Come here" seonghwa said pulling his baby closer to him.

He then began to kiss all around his face so that could calm him down,seeming to work as hoongjoong started giggling.

With that the couple calmed down a little and cuddled up into each other waiting for the power to turn back on.

While waiting seonghwa noticed hoongjoong softly drooping indicating that he was sleepy.

"Are you sleepy baby"? Seonghwa asked recieving a cute little nod in response making him light up and smile.

He pulled hoongjoong closer to him and put a blanket around them soon hearing soft snores coming from his lovers mouth.

Putting him in a warm aura and soon falling in to dreamland along with his baby.


Hoongjoong was the first to wake up feeling arms wrapped around his waist tightly as if someone was going to take him.

Since he didn't want to wake his lover up so he laid there playing with his hair and admiring how soft and smooth it felt.

Deep in his admiring stat he didn't notice seonghwa waking up and when he felt lips attache and to his he got startled and jumped a bit but eased down when he knew it was his lover and giving in to the kiss.

They both broke the kiss cause they  needed some air,Staring at each other they giggled and got up to clean up from the previous movie night and the events that happened.

After they finished cleaning up they decided to make breakfast which consisted of blueberry pancakes,waffles and a strawberry milk smoothie.

Once the couple finished eating they didn't have anything planned for the day so they went upstairs where they cuddled and gave each other kisses all over their face and just went back to sleep smiling and thinking how lucky they are to have each other.

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