part two

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George squinted his eyes at the bright light pouring through the windows of his bedroom. The warm sun rays heated his room to a perfect temperature, everything around George just felt right. He could stay in bed all day if he could. Turn back over onto his side, George snuggled into his blankets even further as he was determined to get at least five more minutes of sleep. His blankets kept him warm, the soft fabric soothing him. He felt at a complete peace.

After a couple moments, Georges eyes shot open as he threw the covers off his body, ignoring the uncomfortable temperature change. He ran to grab his clothes, hastily putting them on his body. 

Today was June 14th, 2020. The day Sapnap and Dream were finally coming to visit. To say he was excited was a large understatement. He was ecstatic, and even that couldn't justify what was going on in his head.  

George ripped the charging cord out of his phone, checking the time as he did. The plane was supposed to land at 12:00 and the airport was about thirty minutes away. It was currently 11:33, so he might be slightly late. 

George grabbed his keys, phone, and a couple waters just incase. He ran out the door, locking it on the way out. Getting in his car, he plugged in his phone to the aux and put the keys in the ignition, starting the car. He made sure to send a quick text to Dream and Sap, telling them he's on his way and to text him when they land. 


George arrived to the airport at 12:01 and was surprised to see the plane hadn't landed. He followed the dull signs, which he knew was supposed to look a dark green, to the baggage claim. He stood, anxiously tapping his foot against the cream coloured floor. Time felt slow, as if the universe was taunting him. He just wanted them to land already.

Feeling a buzz from his pocket, he immediately pulled out his phone hoping it would be a message from one of his friends.

Dream: we landed :)

George felt butterflies in his stomach. He couldn't believe this was all finally happening. He felt like a balloon about to pop, he struggled to hold in the overwhelming excitement filling his body. His eyes searched the people coming around the corner. He searched for someone tall, since that would would be the easiest way to find the pair. 

The more time passed, the more nervous George would get.

Suddenly, he notices a tall, slim figure, with his hood pulled up and his head facing the floor turn the corner. It was undeniably Dream.

"Dream!" he called out, running towards him. Dream looked up just as George ran in front of him, opening up his arms. Dreams arms wrapped around Georges torso as he felt a pair of arms loop around the back of his neck. The two stayed like that for a moment, swaying back and forth in a comfortable silence. Neither Dream nor George could believe this was real, it all felt like a crazy dream. 

"Hi georgie" He heard dream quietly whisper into his ear, so soft it was almost impossible to hear.

George was the first to pull away, for he remembered he hadn't seen dream's face yet. He looked up, his eyes being met with a white paper plate with a smile drawn on it.

"Dream did you seriously put a paper plate under your hoodie?" George laughed, playfully pushing him. 

"No this is my face George duh" he joked in response.

George took the opportunity to reach up and pull the plate out from his hood, catching dream off guard. His hands flew to his face, "George why'd you do that!?" he wheezed. George lightly grabbed dream's hands, pulling them from his face cautiously. His eyes met dream's gorgeous green ones-

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