Chapter 19: Trials

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Dark never liked upsetting anyone so he carefully nodded.

It seemed Johanna was in a good mood again when Dark ordered her favorite while Dark ordered mine.

We took a seat at their VIP booth. I hoped we can go home after this. I still have a lot of stuff to pack.

I'll have my condominium rented for AirBnb when Lyana moved to the US and I move in at Dark's place.

Lyana will be staying for a week in the Philippines before she flies back to the States. Review classes will also start for me next week. I wish Johanna will stop pestering Dark, so I can review in peace.

"I love their strawberry ice cream. Dark bought me a tub when I was suffering from dysmenorrhea." Johanna began to animatedly recall as we waited for our orders. "He's very attentive. Can we go ice skating after this?"

"We can't Jo. Laurene and I have plans." Dark apologized as Johanna pouted like a kid.

"But you're my only friend around here. I'll get lonely when you're not around." She whined and I had to stop myself from clawing her eyeballs.

Seriously, why does she always have to be with Dark?

Clearing my throat, she swiveled her gaze at me and I gave her a wan smile "You can always contact Blaise. I believe you have met him." she slowly nodded "He has a lot of friends you can meet. Because Dark is a busy man and we have tons of plans now that I'm back. You wouldn't want to impose do you?"

She gasped like it was the most absurd thing in the world "Blaise never liked me and Dark wouldn't mind if I join you, right Dark?"

Our eyes swiveled to Dark who coughed at being in hot seat. He glanced at me while I glared at him. I don't want Johanna taking up our time. I dont mind him being friends or relatives with girls. It was never an issue between us. But Johanna is an exception. I can clearly feel her hitting on my man.

Dark cleared his throat, "I'm sorry Johanna but its best for you to make friends other than me." Johanna's face fell to my delight. "Laurene and I have plans and I missed her so much that I won't have the time for you."

"But you promised you'll always be there." Johanna whined like a kid.

"I did. But you also have to accept that I'm not always available. Laurene is my priority and I'll always put her first."

My grin widened at the adoration in Dark's eyes. He kissed my knuckles and turned to Johanna.

"I don't know what's going on with you but you have to understand that Laurene is a part of me. She's my partner and my girlfriend." He fiercely said, gripping my hand in his "You're my cousin and I'll always help, but you also have to do things on your own. If you can't accept this Johanna, then I'll have to ask Blaise to take you out."

"You're being mean." Johanna cried and stood up from her chair. She pointed a finger at me and there was an angry scowl on her face. I can only thank the manager that he chose us to seat in the VIP section "You took him away from me."

"He was never yours to begin with." I fiercely told her "Why are you acting so possessive over him when he's only your cousin?"

She stiffened at my words. Her eyes wide and her jaw dropping. My eyes squinted at her petrified state before she began blabbering like an idiot.

"What do you mean? That I like Dark? He's my cousin." A worried and shrill laugh fell on her lips.

My brows rose and I innocently looked at her. My voice as sweet as an angel "Sweetie, I never implied nor mean that you like Dark. I was merely stating my observations of your obsession on my boyfriend."

She scoffed, "I just don't like being alone."

"As any freshman student do on their first day. But you have to set your parameters." I pointedly told her "Dark is your cousin and he cares about you. But you have to stop being possessive and demanding of his time. You'll meet new friends. In the meantime we'll buy your stuff and have you settled in, agree?"

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes and ate her ice cream. Dark squeezed a thank you on my thigh and I nodded.

Johanna seemed to not listen to my little advice because she began to pull Dark at every corner. With Dark's hand firmly on mine, I was dragged to wherever Johanna liked. By the time we got rid of her annoying presence, I was too exhausted and spent and fell asleep along the ride.

"I thought you'll have your boyfriend pick you up." Luke commented as he drove me to my condominium.

I thought so too. But I didn't commented on it. Dark and I were okay during the weekend. But come Monday, Johanna was taking up his time.

It started with her asking him to drive her on her first day to school. It went on with joining her for lunch. Then it went with him giving her support during her cheerdance audition.

This one is when Johanna cried to him over a boy dumping her.

I hardly see Dark because he would come home late. I tend to stay up late since I had to study. So when he arrives home looking exhausted, I would kiss him on the cheeks and let him sleep.

It was slowly taking a toll on me because he was so close yet he seemed so far away. 


"I don't want to talk about it Luke." I tiredly replied as I focused my gaze on the window.

"You're getting married?" I cried out on the phone. "To a woman who's 25 years younger than you?"

Lyana sat on the couch with her tear stained eyes. We were on the phone to talk to our Dad when he announced to us that he'll be marrying Darla Imperial, the number one queenbee and bully back when we were in highschool, after he met her during the summer.

I didn't know what kind of spell or gayuma she used on my father to make him marry her.

Lyana and I were horrified. We tried talking him out of it but he refused to hear reason. Being the sensitive sister, Lyana, cried her eyes out while I was fuming mad.

"No. We won't allow your union." I vehemently replied to him.

"Then you are no longer my daughters." He bitted out before slamming the phone shut.

Lyana crumbled on the couch sobbing while I stood motionless as the words rang on my ears.

Blood was rushing through my ears, and my throat felt like lead. I wanted to crumble like a babe.

My mind couldn't promise what has happened. I didn't know what to feel. I didn't understand any of these. So, on instict, I dialled Dark's number.

He didn't answer on the first few ring. My frown furrowed as his phone continued to ring. Finally, when I was about to end the call he answered.


"I'm sorry, Laurene but I can't talk to you right now." He agitatedly replied as my heart slammed in my chest. "Jo got drunk and I need to pick her up."

My mouth shut in an instant and bile fell on my throat. I bit my lip hoping to stop the sob from escaping my lips. My teara finally fell as I sank on the coach.

I had to breathe in deeply before I replied, "Okay."

Before turning off the phone call and crumbling on the couch with my sister.

Published 04.24.2020

Hello lovelies!
How are you doing?

The Man I Left at the Altar (English)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon