Chapter 1:Dark Montero

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Words have the power to break you.

Chapter 1

They said loving him would be difficult. And I believe it is. Not because he was broody or arrogant. But because it was difficult to hear others talk back at him when all they spouted were lies.

They warned me never to trust my heart with a man like a him. A man whose soul was as dark as him. But it's not true. Evey thing they say were lies.

They call him the The Dark Prince because he was ruthless, cold, and most of all a former stripper. The worst part is, everyone remembers him as the stripper who bedded the rich businessmen's wives and not the self-proclaimed billionaire that he is.

I tried to ask myself a couple of times why I fell for a guy like him. He was beautiful. Yes indeed. But underneath the cold facade he carries around on his face is a broken man tainted by the horrors of his past.

It still pains me to hear him talk about his past. How he would scavenge for food to feed his younger brother and ill mother. He was ten at that time. Too young for him to become a grown man. Too young for someone to carry the weight on his shoulders.

He told me he used to pickpocket on people just so he can buy food and medicine for his family. But it was useless. Because day by day his mother grew weak and his brother succumb to pneumonia.

He was twelve when he lost his mother. Fifteen when he lost his brother and seventeen when he lost himself.

Lost himself to the pain of his past that he became the shell of a man that he is. He would often tell me how he would wander around town not caring if he got hit by a truck or a car. For him he was only existing but not living.

People don't understand him. They only knew him as the bastard, the stripper and so many more names that pained me to hear from their lips. And because of it he has to build walls to protect himself.

But never with me. Never with me. He is so much different from the mask he always wears when his around with me.

With me he is happy. With me he is a man full of joy, love and carefreeness. Often times he would bite my neck and whisper sweet nothings on my ear.

But most of the time he would tell me how I saved him. And every time he does, I can't help but tear up because of the pain he had to endure in the past. This man before me has gone to hell and back but he persevered and made a name for himself. I just wish everyone could see how different he is from the man they portrayed him to be.

Dark is mine. As I am his.
We are two lost souls wandering in this endless world of chaos and reality.
But when we are together, we are one.

Two lost souls, wandering at night.
Two lost souls, finding love.
Two lost souls united with love.


"WHY do you put up with him?" my block mate Sarah rudely asked me as she pointedly looks at me from behind. Blonde hair pulled on top of her head, poreless makeup-free face, designer clothing, arms crossed on her chest, her hip on the back of my seat and polished red shoes tapping on the concrete, she is beauty personified. No wonder Dark used to bed her. But I know it was only for business purposes.

We were in class and in just a few minutes our professor will be walking in. This was the hundredth time she asked me this question. And for the hundredth time, I ignored her. I was hoping she'll get tired of pestering me and Dark but I guess luck isn't on my side. For this time around, she asked me in a way that everyone could hear it. Pausing halfway through reading my book, I scanned at my surroundings and true enough everyone's eyes bore down on me with Sarah's question.

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