Chapter 16: Johanna

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I went home earlier than I was expected. We should be coming back at the end of the month but I asked my mom to book me a flight a week before. I wanted to come home to Dark because I missed him so much.

Our everyday calls weren't enough. I wanted him in my arms and my bed. Yes! I was extra needy. My fingers weren't doing any justice to his length.

Grinning from ear to ear, I rushed to my condominium to eat and wash. I wanted to smell great when I visit him in his condo. I put on my cutest dress and sprayed the favorite cherry blossom perfume Dark loves the most. Grabbing my car keys, I drove to his condominium.

He told me earlier he'll be spending his weekend cooped inside his apartment because Blaise was pestering him a lot these past few days. I chuckled at the kid-like grumble he let out when I last talked to him.

I hadn't let Dark know I was coming back early. I missed him so much, so I wanted to surprise him. I was super giddy with excitement that I even sang at the top of my lungs at every song played on the radio.

Parking the car, I noticed a Vios parked next to his. My forehead scrunched at the new vehicle. I didn't remember Dark telling me he had visitors. And his visitors don't park on his private floor.

Maybe, he bought a new car?

Taking the elevator to his penthouse suite, my heart raced with excitement, and my hands itched to hold him. I missed him so much. I love being with my mom, but I missed Dark. Next time, he's coming with me to LA.

The elevator opened to his penthouse suite. Instantly, I heard female laughter echo from the library. My brows scrunched on my head at the unfamiliar voice.

Did he have visitors? He told me he'll be alone the whole day. He couldn't be bringing an investor to the place since his penthouse was strictly for him and a few people only.

I paused on the doorway, unable to comprehend anything.

"Dark I heard the elevator open." A feminine voice echoed from upstairs. I heard their footsteps from upstairs and the door creaking open. "It must be your cook. I don't want her to cook dinner, I like yours better."

My brows rose at the flirty tone in her voice. But it rose higher when I heard the chuckle from Dark "I can't right now Jo. I have a few works to do."

"You're always busy with work. You don't have time for me," she complained like a kid.

"I promise I'll take you out to your new favorite restaurant." Dark softly suggested which made my heartbreak. Did he have a new girlfriend? Was he hiding a girl from me? Was I gone for so long that he had to find someone else?

My heartfelt heavy in my chest and I clutched the box of gifts I had in my hand as I bit my lip and stopped the tears in my eyes. Suddenly, I don't feel too excited about surprising me. it seems I was the one surprised.

I looked back at the closed elevator and thought of leaving when the female voice spoke from behind.

"Hello?" the woman asked. My spine straightened and my grip on the gifts tightened in my hand. "Who are you? How did you get in?"

I stood rooted to the spot. "I'm talking to you." She snapped at me. Slowly, I faced her and my heart broke even more as I come face to face with the olive-skinned beauty in front of me. She was beautiful with her golden tanned skin.

She had black curly hair, a pointed nose, and a heart-shaped face fanned with long lashes. Her light brown eyes glittered in happiness. Dark had that effect on women.

The white crop top she was wearing showcased her flat and tiny waist while her high-waist jeans accentuated her slender hips and thighs. She had the body of a model. And I was envious of her.

If we were to stand side-by-side, Dark will instantly know who to pick.

"How did you get inside? Only Dark's closest family can access the elevator." She angrily snapped "Are you a stalker?"

"No!" I denied "I'm his---"

"Laurene!" Dark's voice boomed from behind and before I can say anything else he ran to my form and wrapped his arms around me. "You're here! Why didn't you tell me? I could have picked you up. God, I missed you and you smell so fucking good."

"I-I wanted to surprise you." I stammered still confused at the snarling face of the woman from behind. I didn't get to ask him when he removed the gift in my hand and tilted my chin up. His eyes were full of joy as he cupped my cheek and kissed me openly.

I was hesitant at first but eventually gave in when he swiped his tongue on my mouth, urging them to open. I had to stifle my moan when he pushed me to his growing erection and squeezed my ass.

"Ehem." The woman's voice interrupted us. I froze and Dark chuckled as we pulled back. She was glaring at us about with her hands on her hips while Dark wrapped an arm around me and pulled me to his. Her eyes seemed to grow angrier at Dark's hand protectively wrapped on my side.

"I'm sorry I got carried away." Dark chuckled, and he glanced at me under his smiling eyes "Laurene this is Johanna, my cousin. Jo this is Laurene, the one I've been telling you about for weeks."

My brows rose at the word. She's his cousin.

"Sorry Jo, you'll have to go back to your unit. I'll be busy for a whole week, with my girl back in town." He grinned as he grabbed the gift and lead me inside his home. My body was still tensed as we walked past his cousin "I'll have to ask Blaise to spend time with you."

"Fine." Jo humped and angrily strode out of the penthouse.

"Ignore her, she's a diva," Dark commented while I could only timidly odd.

Cousin? If that's all that she was, then why was she glaring at me earlier like a damn moth?

It was...strange.

Published 04.22.2020

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