"Yeah, but we were an exception. The Black Swan always need us all so we were allowed to live outside the silver towers." Keefe said, but she couldn't ignore the feeling that there was another reason.

After everyone was ready, they went down for breakfast. They took their seats in the same way they did during dinner and ate quietly.

When they were done, Alden and Della gave Fitz and Biana a kiss on the cheeks before saying goodbye. Sophie was looking like them like she was longing for the same type of affection.

"You remember your family?" Keefe whispered, which startled her a bit.

"Yeah, but it's okay." She smiled at him, making their way to the leapmaster.

"FOXFIRE." They all shouted and stepped inside the leapmaster at the same time.


Sophie was greeted by her Elvin History mentor and told her that she knows her case, as explained by Magnate Leto.

She was relieved to know that so they were just studying the basics, again. Since she was originally a prodigy, studying about the whole level 2 Elvin History was done in hours, and her mentor gladly dismissed her 20 minutes before the bell rang.

She went to her locker and licked the DNA strap- which tastes almost like mint chocolate and opened it.

She placed her Elvin History book inside and took her Inflicting one. It was not until this point that she realized she was in trouble.

She is not an Inflictor.

Atleast, not yet.

She wanted to think that she'll be fine, but she remembered her mentor which turned out to be Councilor Bronte.

As if on cue, memories of the said councilor flashed in her mind, giving her another head splitting headache. She locked her locker and managed to get to the Healing Center before her knees gave away.

"Sophie! What's wrong?" Elwin asked, helping Sophie up and sit at her bed.

"I'm sorry. Headache from remembering. Can I have some elixirs?" She asked and Elwin gladly gave her three. She dranked one and the headache slowly dissipated. "Thanks for that." She said, smiling at Elwin.

"You can take the remaining two. Come back when you need it again." He said as he waved goodbye to her.

The hallways were crowded with students going every direction, and she realized that she missed the bell due to her headache. She ran to the direction of the cafeteria and spotted her friends.

"I'm sorry I'm late. I stopped by Elwin." She said as she was sitting next to Biana. "What happened?" Linh asked, taking a break from eating.

"Nothing serious. I just had a very painful headache after remembering Bronte. Though I'm not sure if the headache was because of remembering or remembering Bronte." They laughed at her and she also ended up laughing as well.

"Anyways, aren't I screwed? I'm not an Inflictor, as of the moment anyways." She said, carefully placing her bag as to not break the two bottles of elixir inside.

"Well, before you worry about that, you should go get food first." Tam said with crunchings sounds every syllable. "Right. I forgot." She said and walked to order her food. She chose totally random leaves as her meal and placed it their table. Sopie started eating before transmitting to Biana

Hey, what's the plan again? -S

Me and Linh are going to finish our food first. I gave Linh a calling card from Atlantis to pick up one of my orders and she'll ask Tam to go with her. In case you don't remember yet, Linh kinda flooded Atlantis before so she's careful whenever she's there so Tam would definitely go with her. Of course she won't tell him that the card's mine. -B

Happy April Fools? A KOTLC fanficWhere stories live. Discover now