Chapter 1

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Sunlight and a gentle breeze flood through the open windows. My room seems to glow in the morning, reflecting off gentle yellow and white hues. Definitely a great colour combination, if I do say so myself.

It is 7 am and I definitely need to get up. My arms feel as though they weigh fifty pounds and my eyes refuse to remain open. Stamping of feet up the steps echoes through my quiet daze. Who on earth is being so loud this early?

"Piper! Wake up already! You need to spend at least two hours getting dressed!" my mum's frantic voice, like nails on a chalkboard to my ears, left me groaning and slipping out of bed onto a fluffy carpet. 

I really hate being woken up like this... her voice is like a banshee's!

"I heard that! Make sure to cut your link off before complaining, you ungrateful wretch!"

Oh, shoot. That was not good.

I make my way to the ensuite bathroom. Rather than complaining, it's more so because how the heck would a packhouse only have a shared bathroom? I almost vomit at the thought of sharing it with so many unhygienic mutts going through puberty. Bleh. They are all so hairy as well! Sometimes they even shed.

After showering, I make sure to cleanse, tone, moisturise and use suncream because skincare is super important, kids! I would never trust someone who cleans their face with straight-up soap. Then I style my waist-long hair in a high ponytail, letting my fringe frame my face.

What should I wear today? My eyes flicker through the options in my wardrobe until I notice a white, lace, knee-length dress all but calling my name. If I paired it with some lace ballet flats it would look very sweet. It is the first day back at high school after all. You have to always look your best on the first day! The sixty-eighth day doesn't matter, the first is all that counts! Then again you can quickly become a pack outcast if you are sloppy with your appearance.

Finally makeup. I wish I could say I am a natural beauty who just doesn't do makeup... but that would be a lie. I love makeup so why not wear it, right? It's not for anyone else's benefit, just my own.

I used a primer, bb cream, powder, peach blush, pink eyeshadow, mascara and finished it off with a lip tint. It took me a little over fifteen minutes. Basically a perfect routine for if you are a little rushed. Which I definitely am.

I glance myself in the mirror to ensure nothing was out of place. Mahogany brown eyes stared back at me. My skin was extremely pale, mainly due to the hours spent inside studying, but it is still glowing which was lucky. Though I often stand out during pack gatherings, as it seems all wolves are super tanned. My auburn hair was wavy and seemed annoyed to be confined in a ponytail. Luckily, I was short enough that my dress didn't end too high up on my leg.

I don't think I could put up with any petty bullying from the female wolves. They enjoy judging girls for wearing dresses a bit too short. Slut-shaming seems to be rife in packs.

Grabbing my school bag, I made a run for the door.

"What about breakfast?" my dad's voice links to me as I step through the arched doorway.

"I'll grab some on the way there. I'm late!"

"Ok, have a good day at school! Don't forget about the party tonight!" both my mum and dad's voice echoes through my mind.

Party? What party? Well, I guess I will find out tonight. I'm sure my mum has already organised every aspect of my outfit anyway. Before meeting my dad she completed a fashion degree. Of course, once you meet your mate though, you have to become a mother or at the very least a warrior.

Anyway, I am sure from my morning routine and inner monologue you think you have a good idea of who I am. What my character is going to be like. But you are wrong.

If you are thinking I'm an innocent Mary Sue, the reincarnation of femininity, you are wrong. If you are thinking that I am the special snowflake who will rock the world with her secret powers, you are wrong. If you are thinking... basically you're wrong. The only thing you may be able to guess about me correctly is that I am a werewolf. Begrudgingly so, but still, a werewolf all the same.

Seriously though, I hate it.

Not so much my wolf, she's a lovely little ball of joy. Probably the best part of being a wolf, dare I say. A bit dim sometimes but still adorable.

What I hate is the fact that werewolf society seems to be stuck in the 1940s. Women are seen as baby-making machines, expected to clean, cook and be the perfect wife. Even the Luna, someone who is supposed to be a role model to everyone, seems to fit into the same role. Supporting the 'Alpha'. If we are lucky, we might be recognised as warriors. Wow... what a big deal. What about careers? What about independence? Why don't we get a choice to have anything we want?

Honestly, the fact that wolf society seems to be behind humans is a disgrace.

What is worst of all, we are happy to accept arranged marriages. Soul mates picked by the goddess? Don't make me laugh! I should get the choice to marry whoever the heck I want without being in agonising pain for going against her judgement. Instead, I am shackled to the knowledge I will probably have to mate with some random person and forget everything I aspired towards. Though I guess as long as I don't become the mate of an Alpha, I may be able to coerce them into letting me pursue a career.

I should stop ranting.

On my way to school, I catch sight of my close friend Allison. She is a witch. It seems pretty cool until you find out that witches are extremely matriarchal and tend to expect young girls with magic to dedicate their lives to their craft. If they abandon their magic in favour of other desires they have, it isn't uncommon to be kicked out of their family.

Her dazzling smile almost blinds me as I greet her. She looks like the stereotypical witch, with silky black hair down to her back, pasty skin and bright blue eyes, however, once you get to know her you'd quickly become shocked. A goodie-two-shoes with a heart of gold and the most innocent of giggles ever. Possibly the biggest example of "don't judge a book by its cover" I have ever witnessed.

"Piper! Gran told me that if I don't memorise fifty pages of the grimoire by Friday she's going to make me eat worms and frog legs! Worms and frog legs... What should I do?" Allison whined, sending me puppy dog eyes. No, pun not intended.

"Memorise the pages?" I replied, hooking my arm with hers as we walk down towards the large school gates.

"Not everyone spent their first seven years of school in a strict British boarding school, you know?" she whined, fake sobbing into my shoulder.

"Oh hush, what makes me smart is my work ethic, not my school. Basically, I am fabulous everywhere," I giggled.

The school was pretty average for an American high school. Nothing special, though it was teeming with hormonal supernatural creatures. The usual high school basically.

Ah, I am sure you are curious about the whole supernatural creatures bit. Obviously, in our high school, there exists witches, humans and werewolves, but there are also vampires and a few hybrids. Everyone is always hiding who they truly are just in case humans find out. Some agreement between species I suppose.

Personally, I see no point in this. Although humans strongly dislike things that are different from themselves, an army of witches, vampires, werewolves and hybrids would surely win. Whatever, as long as it doesn't impact me directly I suppose it doesn't really matter.

The bell rang. Another great day at school!

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2020 ⏰

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