Ch. 13 Always and Forever

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A/N: The song up top is for the whole chapter. I love it. Also, quick warning, I was in tears trying to write some of this. The Lilly and Klaus scene never fails to make me cry. Enjoy!

Vincent brought the Mikaelsons, including Rory, to the dining room to discuss.

"The Hollow has been haunting New Orleans for centuries. It's an unending evil. Its appetite for power is insatiable. And that's what attracted it to your little girl," Vincent told them.

"You said there was a way to save her," Klaus reminded.

"There is. But I'm gonna tell you right now, you are not gonna like my plan," Vincent said. Elijah crossed his arms over his chest as everyone exchanged a look. "Step one: we pull the Hollow out of Hope. Step two: we find someplace else to put it. But with the book gone, I need a place that's both powerful and eternal. And in order to make the transition work, I'm gonna need something that's connected to Hope through blood."

"You need a vampire. You want to put the Hollow into one of my siblings," Freya realized.

"Uh, one ain't gonna cut it. I'm gonna need four of them," Vincent said.

Freya shook her head at the idea. "Why four of us?" Elijah asked.

"Well, fifteen hundred years ago, when the Hollow was first killed, they divided her remains. Four bones, four volunteers, four different locations. That's how we're going to beat the Hollow now," Vincent explained.

"Transfer the Hollow's power into four immortal vampires," Freya said.

"And just send us on our way," Rebekah commented.

"So the evil is drawn, quartered and separated for all time," Klaus said.

"And you have to go your separate ways, and you have to stay separate. For all time. You can never see each other again. Can never go near each other again," Vincent told them.

Rory scoffed, looking around at the other Mikaelsons.

"That is the only way that we're gonna beat the Hollow," Vincent said.

Rory and Klaus exchanged a look. "Well, if it'll save my little girl, then we will make it so," Klaus said.


Lilly was sitting on the floor of the church. Hope was standing before the witches. They had brought something in. Two men removed the cloth covering whatever it was. The crowd murmured and Lilly gasped as they saw what it was. The nine year old thought she might throw up.

It was a dead body, which wouldn't be that bad. Yes, that was horrible, but this was worse. It was clear the person had been dead for weeks. His skin was a grayish-green color and decomposing. Lilly could see what had killed him. Someone had slit his throat.

Hope lifted her hand and blue light filled the room. Lilly watched as the dead man's face slowly went back to it's normal color and shape. His neck healed at the same time. He breathed in, opening his eyes. Lilly stared at him in shock as the crowd gasped.

The man stood up, staring at Hope for a moment. He moved to stand by her side, looking out at the witches. "All of you, know that this is the power of the Hollow. The power to transcend death, and destroy all that stands against us," he said, bowing to Hope. The witches followed his example.


Rory was in her room, pacing. Hayley walked in, watching her sister in concern. "How are you handling this?" she wondered, crossing her arms over her chest.

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