Ch. 2 Rescue

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A scream ripped through the clearing the Mikaelsons and Rory were standing in. Dead prisoners littered the ground around them.

"Good Lord, that one has some lungs on him," Rebekah complained. "He should've been an opera singer. Might've ended better for him actually."

"Is this absolutely necessary?" Freya asked, walking over to her sister.

"That depends. Do you want us at our full strength, or do you plan on rescuing Nik on your own?" Rebekah wondered.

"Well, death rattles are distracting and I'm trying to break a cloaking spell," Freya told her.

"Kol, would you please," Elijah yelled. The vampire was sitting on the ground with the dead body of a prison guard next to him. They all heard a snap and the screaming ended. "Thank you." Elijah wiped some blood from his chin and turned to his older sister. "You were saying?"

"I can sense Klaus is still in New Orleans. Most likely somewhere underground. I can't get a read on exactly where, unless I'm in the city itself," Freya explained as Kol joined the group.

"Yeah, that's gonna be a problem," Rory told the witch, putting her phone in her pocket. "I still have a few friends left in New Orleans. As you can imagine, they told me the place is crawling with vampires, all of whom hate all of us. Whatever we do, we need to do it fast."

"Well, I wasn't planning on a pub crawl. I don't want to stay any longer than we have to. But we need to go," Freya told them.

"Whoa. Wait, wait," Kol said. "We're not doing this today?"

"Hasn't Nik suffered enough?" Rebekah asked.

"Yes. And I've died. Twice. I'm not about to give Marcel a shot at third. Now, I say, we draw that muppet out of town and when he's gone-"

"I've been away from my daughters long enough," Rory snapped, interrupting him. "If you're afraid..."

"It's called being sensible. Until Freya can make enough cure with her werewolf hostage, Marcel can basically chew threw our bloody throats," Kol told her.

"Enough," Elijah told the two of them. "We're all in danger. We free Niklaus today. Even if I have to burn that city to the ground."

He started walking away and his sisters followed. Rory smirked at the Original still standing next to her. "Oh, shut up," Kol told her, before the two followed the others.


"All clear, Freya," Rory said as they entered the old clock tower. It was obvious no one had been there in the last five years.

"This is where you absolutely had to do your locator spell?" Kol asked.

"Well, when I first moved to New Orleans, I primed this space. Marked it with my magic, made it mine," Freya explained as she began setting up her spell.

"This dusty bell tower may be your own, but this is Marcel's city and we're nothing but targets," Kol complained.

"All the more reason to stop whining and let her get to work. The sooner we find Klaus, the sooner we can get out of here," Rory told him, fiddling with her crescent moon necklace.

"It won't take long," Freya told them.

Kol glared at the hybrid. "Did I mention that not even a part of me missed you?" he asked.

Rory smiled. "I missed you too," she said.


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