Fifteen|| Mommy Mikaelson

Start from the beginning

"It's been almost a week since the second surgery, haven't they monitored you long enough?" Orion asked.

I shrugged.

"Guess not. Evan also demands that they triple check I'm okay before they send me home."

"He's being very demanding lately." Mila noted.

"Lately?" Orion snorted. "That's his personality.

"You know, I was trying to be nice, but you ruined that," Mila shot him a playful glare.


"When can you come home?" Emmy asked me.

"A few days." I replied.

"That's what you said a few days ago," Emmy pouted.

"Emmy," Anna chided her from the chair next to my bed.

Emmy sat in my bed, watching the t.v.

"I know, but they keep telling me I have to stay." I said, running my hand over her hair.

"But why?" Emmy asked.

"They want to make sure I'm super healthy before they send me home."

"So you don't get other people sick?"

"Yeah, kinda."

Anna checked her phone. "Emmy, it's time to go see Dr. Linda."

Emmy looked sad and frustrated. "I don't like her."

"Yes you do, Emmy, you just don't like to talk." Anna replied, getting to her feet.

Emmy walked towards the door.

"How's it going?" I asked Anna quietly.

"Slowly," She muttered.

Dr. Linda was Emmy's new therapist. Evan and Anna both knew Emmy needed one after the attack, because it triggered the memories from her family's murder.

Emmy didn't like talking about that night, and she wanted to pretend she was okay, so she really didn't like Dr. Linda poking in her life and memories.

Evan walked in as they walked out, and I bit my lip in worry.

"What's wrong?" Evan asked, worried for me. I shook my head.

"I hate seeing kids who have to deal with the kinds of things a kid shouldn't even know about." I said with a sigh.

"Because you don't like to think about the things you dealt with." I looked up to see Dr. Linda standing in the doorway.

"Aren't you supposed to be with Emmy?" I asked.

"I came in to check on you. Dr. Caldwell suggested it."

"I've still yet to meet this Dr. Caldwell," I replied.

"He's a busy man." She shrugged. "Now, back to you."

Evan picked up on my growing irritation, and looked between the two.

"Was this an informal recommendation, or is there an order in written form?" I asked coldly.

"You're trying to push me away, because you don't want to talk about it." Dr. Linda said.

"Hey," Evan said warningly.

"You're avoiding answering my question because you know you have no legal right to be in here offering me counsel when I didn't ask for it." I replied in the same tone, tipping my head to the side slightly.

The Star Moon *SECOND IN THE MOON SERIES*Where stories live. Discover now