Eight|| Fight Me

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Evan looked mega pissed.

"Evan?" I asked as he passed me without a glance.

He grabbed Orion by his shoulder and shoved him onto a mat.

"Oh no, not again. Evan, don't do this!" Axel called, looking worried.

Orion barely had time to process what was happening before Evan was flying at him, practically beating him to the ground.

Orion never once fought back, he just blocked some of Evan's punches.

Evan was beating him bloody.

"Evan, stop it!" Mila ran out onto the field, looking distressed.

"Evan, that's enough!" I cried, horrified as blood poured out of Orion's nose.

"Stay out of this!" Evan raged at me.

"I'm sorry, Evan, I tried, you know I tried!" Orion was saying to my raging mate.

"You didn't try hard enough!" Evan yelled, picking Orion up off the ground and pushing him back hard enough to make him stumble.

My mind was whirling, and my heart was racing as I was thrown back to a horrible place in my past.

"Henry stop!"

"Shut up before I tape your mouth shut!"

Evan came at Orion again, who looked submissive and defeated.

"Stop." I choked out, my voice barely audible. "STOP!" I cried.

I ran forward, coming between Orion and Evan, who's fist was already flying at top speed towards me.

I caught his fist in my hand, the force from his drive pushing me back a few inches.

"Stop this." I said, not even recognizing him.

"This is none of your business." Evan growled, eyes glowing orange.

"Why? Because I'm not part of this pack? Because I'm a woman? Or is it because you're not sure if the Gifted are your enemies, and you don't trust me?" I demanded.

"Taylor, stay out of this, please." Orion groaned, on his knees.

"No! I'm going to walk away now," I said to Evan, who was staring at me. "You hit him one more time, and I swear to the Goddess, Evan, you will never see me again." I threatened, and his eyes widened.

My wolf howled in protest.

"Taylor," Mila tried to talk to me, but I cut her off.

"No! My entire life, I was tortured, beaten, experimented on, and I was raped." Evan's eyes widened to the side of moons. "All by bullies, bullies who treated me like that!" I turned and pointed at Evan.

"Look at him, Evan! He's at your mercy! Just like I was at theirs." I said.

"You're- you're comparing me to the monsters that hurt you?" Evan stammered, and he had the audacity to look hurt, backing up a couple steps.

"You're acting exactly like him. I look at him, and I see me! I look at you standing over him. And I-" my voice broke, and Evan took a step back. "I see the man who raped me, Evan." I said in a pleading voice.

"Taylor," Sarah tried to say something, but I looked away, pain and anger in my heart.

"You wanted angry?" I asked through gritted teeth, my fists clenched. "Well now I'm angry."

I turned and walked away quickly. "Taylor!" Evan yelled, starting after me. I whirled around and surged, blowing Evan backwards.

Evan landed on his back and Axel was quick to help him to his feet, everyone staring at me in shock.

I shifted mid stride and took off running into the woods, despite the fact that my wolf could feel his calling out to me, and I could hear him yelling my name.

I found myself at a small waterfall at the river and shifted, sitting down in the dirt, tears streaming down my face.

I sat there for almost five minutes before Sarah appeared at my side.


"I'm so sorry," I sobbed, and Sarah wrapped her arms around me immediately, rubbing me comfortingly.

"It's okay, it's okay."

"I never wanted anyone to know," I cried. "Especially not this way. I never wanted to use my powers on him, but I was looking at him and I just, I couldn't bear the sight!"

"Taylor, Evan's not Henry." Sarah said softly. "And whatever he's going through, he didn't mean to send you back there."

"Why am I mated with him?" I asked, my voice breaking. "What if I can't handle this, Sarah?"

"You can," Sarah said to me. "Twylor, you're so strong."

"I miss my brother," I wailed. "I miss Thomas."


“You called?” I stepped out of the SUV and approached Ariel, who stood outside of a large mansion that was styled to look like an oversized wood cabin.

Sarah and a guard- Mila had insisited on someone accompanying us, since I refused to see Evan- followed behind me.

“You can join the other two guards in the living room, help yourselves to any food. Just don’t go wandering around, and don’t touch any tech.” Ariel said sternly, and Jeremy nodded, walking inside.

I looked around, my eyes wide. “What is this place?”

“This is the Haven,” Ariel said, spreading her arms wide and turning around, looking up at the massive area. “It’s our pack house. Doctor Brown had it built for us. Tours will be later, follow me.”

“What’s going on?” Sarah asked her as we started up the stairs.

The place was gigantic, and beautiful. It was simple, yet obviously expensive.

“We were looking for any research Doc had left on the Gifted.” Ariel explained. “Apparently he had an algorithm that contained satellite codes that could detect when the Gifted used their powers. We got here, only to find it was stolen.”

“Stolen? By who?” The brunette with Trusts  asked.

“That’s the crazy thing.” Ariel stopped, looking at the us. “Oliver stole it.”

“Oliver?!” I exclaimed. She nodded and continued up the stairs.

There's no way. Are they alive? Where are Jess and Willow? I wondered.

“Yeah, and that’s not the only thing. He knew the combination, and his retinal scan was approved. But he didn’t break in the door.” Ariel glanced over her shoulder and met eyes with her mate. “He walked through the wall.”

“Walked through the wall,” Tristan repeated skeptically.

I wanted to look at my mate like that.

“We’ve seen stranger things,” Ivy pointed out with a shrug.

“We think it was a portal,” Ariel said.

“What makes you think that?” The brunette asked.

“We’ll show you.”

The Star Moon *SECOND IN THE MOON SERIES*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora