I got up and went into my room, looking through my closet.

I put on blue jeans, white low top converse, a white spaghetti strap top, and over that a flower print, black letterman jacket.

I let my hair down and brushed it thoroughly before braiding it around my shoulder and leaving the room.

Evan turned when he heard me coming and stared at me in surprise.

"I may not seem like it, but I can clean up." I teased softly, walking past him.

"Yes you can," I heard him mutter behind me.

He led me downstairs, into the dining room.

It was relatively empty, but those who were eating in there did a double take when they saw me.

"Oh my gosh, she's come down." I heard a woman whisper in surprise.

"The poor thing, I'm glad she gave herself some time to grieve." I heard an old lady say to her group, who all nodded with various noises of agreement.

"She's hot," I heard a guy say, and Evan's low growl caused him to turn away in fear.

I turned to look at Evan with a 'really?' look, and he sent me back a 'what?' look and shrug. I rolled my eyes at him and he led me over to a far table where Emmy, Sarah, Anna and Mila were sitting.

"Sit next to me Taylor!" Emmy chirped, patting the seat next to her. "I saved it for you!"

"Isn't that adorable!" An old lady cooed.

"The two orphans singing Tomorrow?" I heard a girl joke, and the old ladies growl at her warningly.

That comment stung, and Evan noticed.

"I can tell them to stop-"

"Don't," I cut him off, and I knew people were listening in. "It's fine. People talk, they gossip. I'm not bothered, I expected it."

"Smart and practical," a woman commented.

"Can we eat for once without commentary?" Mila asked pointedly with a scowl.

People shut up.

Orion came into the dining hall, heading straight for us. He greeted Mila with a quick kiss, and turned to Evan.

"Axel's on his way back." Orion told him, and Evan nodded, dismissing him.

"Bye Orion!" Emmy waved at him, and he waved back with a goofy smile on his face.

"Uncle Evan, are you going to take Taylor for a tour of the pack?" Emmy asked.

"I will, when she's ready."

"I'll go whenever you have time." I said, knowing he was a busy man.

Evan's eyes lit up, although the look disappeared quickly. "Consider tonight's schedule cleared."

"All two appointments of it," Mila rolled her eyes at him.

"I'm Anna," Anna introduced herself, and we shook hands.


"Taylor, will you draw a picture with me tomorrow?" Emmy asked.

I paused, and the others watched me for my reaction.

Oh, what the hell? I needed to heal, and Thomas wanted me to move on.

This was part of letting go.

"Yeah, sure." I said with a soft smile. I didn't miss the look that Evan and Sarah shared, but pretended to.

"So, Taylor, what do you like to do?" Anna asked.

The Star Moon *SECOND IN THE MOON SERIES*Where stories live. Discover now