After a while of walking in this incredibly lush land, with tall green grass brushing against her knees and trees gently swaying in the afternoon breeze making it just the right temperature, Lianne found herself in much better spirits oddly enough.

Go figure, who knew it'd take a strange man kidnapping her and dragging her through a portal into another world where death was at every turn and mythical creatures waltzed around on the loose for her to finally feel somewhat content.

The Cheshire cat could probably be grinning at her from somewhere in those bushes for all she knew, or maybe rapunzel was letting down her hair somewhere...hmm, where those stories true then?

"Hey Roman, so are there girls in Azule whose hair glows by any chance? Or guys who slay dragons and rescue damsel in distress for a living?" Lianne spoke for the first time since the little Incident a few miles back.

Roman turned around and blinked several times at her while his brows furrowed deeply "glowing hair?" He grumbled before giving her a "do you hear yourself" look but lianne didn't care, she wanted to know more.

"What about the men who slay dragons and kiss fair maidens?"

This earned her a much more interesting response, Roman stopped dead in his tracks and gave Lianne a cocky grin " Why kitten, that's me" he drawled while his gaze flickered to her lips before striding along as if nothing had ever happened.

Lianne bristled before shrugging it off, for all she knew, all men in Aquiline behaved this way.


Slowly, the more they seemed to walk, the more lianne noticed how the evidence of life started grow, first it was small cottages spread out with wheat fields or grazing cows, then the houses grew closer and closer together till finally they'd reach small villages or towns. They were the surrounding villages of the Kingdom of Azule and therefore citizens of the King. Lianne found herself completely fascinated by this world, she felt as though she'd walked straight into a fairy tale, this world looked exactly like in the fairytale movies!

It was when Roman finally decided to stop by a small shop to buy some supplies which thankfully consisted of a shirt for him, because it was becoming a distraction, that Lianne finally really looked at the villagers.

The were beautiful! They looked human enough except some had distinct features, like the little blond girl at the shop who'd stared at Lianne with her big violet cat like eyes. Or the older man who had spread out his delicate fairy wings in a bow to Roman, then there was the the young man who'd grinned wickedly at lianne with his pointy fangs and glowing yellow eyes... he had seemed oddly hungry .

Roman had watched her carefully throughout all the interaction, gauging her reaction and tilting his head occasionally like a curious wolf trying to figure out its prey.

It was when they were outside the towns limits when Roman spoke " I bought you some clothes" he said as he handed her a pair of black trousers with boots and what looked to be a white button up man's shirt, she took it "I'm I supposed to just strip while you watch" lianne spat

Roman turned but not before flashing her a wicked grin, once he turned lianne changed quicker than she ever thought possible.

"I'm finished" Lianne finally spoke as she tried her best to smooth down her new attire in an attempt to look somewhat decent, but it was hard to look like any else beside a little girl consider the shirt almost reached her knees, at least everything else fit properly. Lianne looked up to find Roman staring down at her while his lips twitched until finally a small smile settled into his lips and his eyes twinkled with mirth.

"Don't you dare say a word" lianne seethed as she stomped away and down the road they seemed to be following, which to be fair, made her look more like a small child. Who even wore these shirts this size? It was huge, she had to roll the sleeves a lot just so they wouldn't dangle pathetically.

"We are almost home Lianne," Roman spoke from behind her and she wondered how she had not heard him approach " do you see that tree line just up ahead?" Roman asked and lianne looked ahead at the tree line where the sun was now starting to descend upon and she was momentarily side tracked as she took in the beautiful sunset casting a golden hue upon everything, the last rayes of the sun seeming to kiss her skin with their warmth and she stopped and watched further as the sun set the sky ablaze in golden fire.

"Do you like it?" Roman's soft tone startled her out of her trance " No I do not like it, I love it" lianne said before resuming her walk with new found determination.

Lianne could feel Roman staring at her curiously and he seemed to be prowling around as though she was his newest science experiment, before he seemed to close off entirely as he walked on ahead, his dark wings trailing behind him without a care.
Lianne was begin to grow antsy, she really knew nothing about this place, and she felt like she was walking into a lions den.

So she did the only thing she knew would calm her nerves, and that is how she ended up humming the first song that pop into her head, and mentally sang the lyrics.

"Hey, beautiful beautiful angel, love your imperfections every angle, tomorrow comes and goes before you I just had to let you know-" lianne hummed and hummed happily and even added some discreet dance moves when she was sure Roman wasn't looking, blissfully unaware of Roman's lips curving into a lopsided grin as his sharp hearing detected every little sound and recognized the tune which seemed to play everywhere in the other world.
Was not that song a tad inappropriate Roman had thought.


Hey lovelies, please do me the huge favor of hitting that star button and make my day. - Love you guys


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