|Chapter Three|

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"It's just a cat Lianne, it's fine, he's not trying to kill me" lianne told herself as she backed away from Killian

"Or am I?" She froze, who said that!

Killian stalked towards her with hungry eyes, running his long claws across the carpet.

"Stay away from me" she spoke shakily, and before she could change her mind she sprinted towards the kitchen and what met her eyes had her screaming.

Aloe's lifeless body lay in a puddle of her own blood, something, no Killian, had sliced her neck, her beautiful snow white fur was now soaked with blood. Lianne quickly swung the drawer of the kitchen open and pulled out a knife and turned in time to see a large man standing right in front of her.

Lianne had never been more afraid then in that moment as she took in the man before her, he was tall, and had pitch dark hair and every inch of him screamed brutality, and eerily familiar blue green eyes stared back at her blankly. Lianne didn't give herself time to think before she drew her arm  back and trust it forward, but before she could do anything the man griped the wrist with the knife and twisted, lianne tried, she truly tried to hold onto the knife but with a pained whimper it clattered to the floor.

"I did not kill little Aloe" the man finally spoke, his voice gruff and clipped, Lianne couldn't help the tears that streamed down her face.

"I fucking hate you" she whispered as she thrashed against him, he tilted his head in a way that triggered a memory " did you kill Killian too" she spat as she finally landed a hit on his shin but instead of grimacing he grinned.

"Oh Lianne, I am Killain" he then gave her the same chill inducing grin she'd seen only a few moments before, except in a man it looked even more dangerous.

It was Killian!

She started gasping, as she began to hyperventilate, and she thrashed harder, wiggling and squirming till it seemed to the man it would be easier to hold an eel. Suddenly the man tensed and pulled her against his body as he practically constricted her "now is not the time" he whispered into her ear  and Lianne screamed.

The man growled in frustration before forcefully pushing something down her mouth as she screamed, and before Lianne could spit it out he clamped her mouth shut with his huge hand, it was either swallow or suffocate...lianne chose suffocation.


Lianne woke to someone shaking her, rather roughly, and when she opened her eyes she discovered herself in a green field that went on for miles with absolutely no sign of life, well until she turned around.

There, standing next to a huge silver sword embedded into the ground, stood the man, because Lianne refused to call him killian.

"Look around halfling," he gestured with an arm "there is no point in running, or perhaps you enjoy running?"

Lianne glared at him

"After all, that's all you seemed to do in that tiny apartment" he stated calmly, he was mocking her.

But she would not speak to this animal, no, worse than animal.

"Does this form not please you? Would the cat please you?" He spoke again, before sighing when Lianne didn't speak

"Fine, then we march towards The Kingdom of Azlur, and don't look at me like that!'

" I didn't kill Aloe, I saved your life" He said finally before stomping forward, did he expect her to follow? She nearly laughed, as if she'd be dumb enough to simple waltz behind him like a stu-

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