House Guest Part 2

Start from the beginning

I was going to respond when I saw her cousin walk into the kitchen with just his boxers and go in our fridge like he owned it.

“Morning y’all.” He looked through it, got out the orange juice and drank straight out the fucking carton.

“Bobby! It’s plenty of cups.” Amb smacked her teeth.

“My bad. Where they at?”

“Forget it. Just keep the juice.” Amb closed the fridge.

I looked out the kitchen window that was on the side of me to avoid snapping on this dude.

“And you need to put some clothes on.” Amb told him.

“It’s too hot in the house. Y’all don’t believe in air?” He scratched his nose.

“We do, but Aug gets cold easily.”

“He skinny as hell I can see why.” He laughed then grabbed a piece of bacon out the pan on the stove, with the same hand he scratched his nose with.

“Bobby, that is so nasty. And it has nothing to do with him being skinny. He’s Anemic. “

“He losing his memory already? Boah you too young for that.”

“Not amnesia fool. Anemic. His blood is low from not getting enough iron.”

“Oh I’m sorry to hear that man.” He grabbed my shoulder real hard and shook me.

“But I know yo blood was flowing like a mutha-fucka last night. Playa, playa.” He hit me hard on my back, chuckling.

“Y’all must’ve forgot my room was underneath y’all bedroom. And for this to be a high class house y’all sholl got some paper thin walls. Y’all need to fix that. How you gon have a mini mansion, with cheap ass motel 6 walls?” He grabbed a biscuit off the stove and stuffed his mouth.

I just got up and got my clothes off the chair.

“Bobby, please go put on some clothes.” Amb leaned against the counter with her hand on her forehead.

“Sorry bout that. But cuz you was right to get you a woman like Amb.” He pointed at me, still smacking on that damn biscuit.

I am not this nigga’s cousin.

“All that meat she got keeping you warm ain’t it?” He nudged me with his elbow smirking.

“That’s why all I dates is big women. Cut down on my heat bill in the winter. And I guess in your case, they good for your blood too.” He dipped his finger in the pot of grits, scooped up a big chunk and ate it. “

“Bobby!” Amb screamed.

“My bad cuz. Look at her bout to beat my ass.” He laughed with his hands up, then walked out the kitchen.

“I’m sorry baby.”

“I want him out. Today.” I told her.


She cleaned off the kitchen table and I went upstairs to change for work.


“Pop-Pop I miss you.” A3 ran up to me as I walked in the door.

“You was only gone a day man.” I picked him up and kissed his cheek.

“Want some?” He held up a fruit snack from the small package he was eating.

“Ahh.” I opened my mouth and he put it in there. I pretended to bite his finger. He laughed super hard. I put him down.

IF THAT'S WHAT IT TAKES Book 2Where stories live. Discover now