Chapter 57

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**** Please Read Leap of Faith. I'mma keep saying it, to all y'all do it.    

Yes I mislabeled the last chapter 57, it was actually 56. Sorry. 

All you Chris fans he brought him out yesterday. I'll take my Trey anyday tho. lol

Also, somebody made a snark comment saying something to the effect of "I don't get what everybody else sees."

I wanted to get angry, but then I took a step back and looked at the situation Let me tell all my writers something, do not let one person who doesn't like what you write make you feel discouraged.

One thing I learned going to that Usher concert was this. Yeah the majority of the people were in that concert to see Usher, but there were some people like me, who solely bought a ticket to see August.

And August said, "I know this my nigga Ush concert, but I know some of the Nation in here. Where y'all at nation?

And you bettah believe every Aug fan screamed to the top of their lungs and turned up during his performance.

Too many people focus on those who don't support them, instead of those that do.

Even if it were ten people in that arena among the thousands that were there for Usher, you better believe August was going to give 100% to those ten. (It wasn't ten, it was actually quite a lot of people. I was like Chi, y'all better support Auggie!) 

Focus on those who love you and actually get you. What you do won't be for every body, but those who do will apperciate you and love you. 

I love and apperciate every single person who takes time to uplift me and my writing journey with positivity. YOU are the people that matter. F- the rest. #nonfactors #carryon  ****


Dr. Caine got up from his seat on the stage and walked to the podium with both a glass award and an envelope. My eyes shifted from Dr. Caine to August, who was sitting on stage, with the other students who were honored at his graduation. He was looking down at his hands. When Dr. Caine cleared his throat and proceeded to speak, August looked up.

“Each year the University Of Pennsylvania’s Dental School honors a student who has faced formidable obstacles to make it to this day. This year’s recipient of the Ruben R. Hayes award and the $10,000 grant to help jump start the dental career of one bright young mind is Mr. August Alsina.”

The entire audience clapped.

All of us though in our grey clothes and red flower, stood up to clap the loudest and show our support so Aug could see us.

He blushed from the stage at us whistling loudly, screaming  “W00-hoo! ”  “Squaaaaaad!” “Wahhhhnnnn”  “Gon Aug!” and other cheers of excitement that had the dignified white people looking at us crazy.

Yes it was an Ivy League graduation where people sit prim and proper. We know that. Yes we may have been some of the few blacks in there, and it would’ve better served us to not look “ghetto.”

 But we didn’t care. Those other graduates in there didn’t go  through what Aug went through. Most of them were trust fund babies, born with silver spoons in their mouths, whose parents had done all this shit before them.

Aug was a trailblazer. The first in his family to graduate from college, let alone grad school and have an actual career. He came from the slums of New Orleans, witnessing every possible atrocity you can see in the urban jungle, to be sitting on that stage with the biggest, brightest minds.

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