chapter 1 pax

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i cant wait for this weekend! i screamed and ran frantically through the house.

i finally get to go to pax and the creatures will be there. i started to fangirl but i smacked myself out of it. you half to keep your cool this weekend. i said to myself. i know im going to get nervous around them no matter what i tell myself.

i finished packing all of my belongings into a giant suitcase. i rolled it down the stairs and waited at the front for my boyfriend, jake.

he just had to go last minute shopping. i scowled

he started to pull up in the drive way i walked out to meet him with my bags he lifted them into the seat as went back inside to make sure i didnt leave anything. i locked the doors and made my way back to the car i hoped in the front and started to blare gold digger by kanye west.

hun, your 21 now act like it. jake said turning the music down and giving me an odd look.

aw you never let me have any fun. i said giving a puppy dog face.

hey im taking you to pax so dont get sassy with me. he said.

*5 hours later*

were here were here!! i screamed. jake seamed really annoyed with me by this point but i did not care. i quickly grabbed all my bags and ran into the hotel like a manic jake followed slowly behind. when we got to our room i laid my suitcase on the bed and in an instant i tore it apart trying to find something to wear.i put on my black creatures t-shirt with skinny jeans and converse i straightened my hair which took forever because i have thick long brown hair. after we got all settled into our hotel room jake and i walked down to pax. we walked around for about an hour and jake was coughing uncontrollably just after he came back from the bathroom. i looked over to find some girl giving him a look. i turned back to jake to make sure he was not going to die.

are you ok? i asked concerned.

ya i think im coming down with *cough* something. he said.

here let me take you back to the hotel room. i said started to rust towards the exit

no no its fine i will go back myself i know how long you have waited for this and im not going to ruin your time. he started to get a worried look.

ok hun, feel better ill be back at 8:00.

ok. he exited from the building.

why have i not found the creatures yet. i said to myself speeding up my walk.

i could have sworn they said they would be here to-ugh.

james pov.

jordan where are all of our fans.

well james it is only 1 just give them some time. jordan said.

i hope they can find us becau- i felt something hit me. i turned around to find a beautiful girl on the ground. i stuck my hand out for her. shes not grabbing it. wait a minute is that a creatures shirt she is wearing. i really hope she stays around because she gorgeous

emmas pov.

i ran into someone and fell to the floor.

i looked up to find james holding a hand out for me.

hey watch wear your going. he joked.

i-i-i-mm s-s-orry. i stuttered.

he looked down at my shirt.

aaaa your a fan i totally understand you just wanted something from the best creature alive. he said obnoxiously loud.

i heard another voice come from afar.

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