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Long ago, far far away, the princess from the house of Organa was captured and taken prisoner by the dreaded fallen knight. She secretly sent her most loyal envoys to ask for help from a jedi  who had survived the fallen knight's onslaught.  the old jedi brought along the princess' brother, who was on a quest to become a jedi.  they sought passage to her kingdom aboard a pirate's ship.  upon their arrival , the pirate reluctantly agreed to aid the old jedi knight and the princess' brother in rescuing her from the fallen knight .   At first the princess thought the pirate a scoundrel who couldn't be trusted.  the pirate was determined to prove her wrong as he had become smitten with the brave beautiful princess and wished to woo her.  his many virtuous deeds done in her honour, soon won her favor and she became enamoured with the pirate.  However, the pirate was betrayed and taken prisoner.  the princess and her brother, went to rescue him from the Hutt highwaymen.  upon freeing him, the princess and the pirate confessed their love for each other.  as part of the alliance they defeated the wicked emperor's regime. the princess and the pirate soon were wed, and had a son whom they named after the old jedi.  

the end    

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