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"Asbjørn if it's a boy, and Wenche if it's a girl." 

Anna crossed her arms playfully. "No... we'll talk about names when it gets closer."

"What? They're family names!" Kristoff laughed.

"We are not having a son with the name Asbjørn Bjorgman." 

The rest of the guests at the table sat and watched, too stunned to say anything. 

Anna was the one who realized she had guests and composed herself before speaking. "I do hope you all will keep this a secret..." She cast a glance at Olaf. "I think I want to wait before I tell the whole kingdom." 

"When is it due?" Honeymaren asked in a gentle voice. 

"Oh... in five and a half months. We've still got a while." She smiled warmly. "Actually... Elsa? Can I talk to you privately?" 

"Yeah! Of course." She pushed her chair back and followed Anna out of the dining hall, leaving everyone else.  "What is it?" 

"I was wondering if you'd be the baby's godmother?" Anna had anxiety visibly swimming across her face. 

"Anna, of course, I will. But that does raise a question: who's going be the godfather?" Elsa grabbed her sister's hand in comfort. 

"Well... Honeymaren's good with children, isn't she?" 

"Yeah... so?" 

"Then Honeymaren." 

"Honey...? Wait, wait, wait, what does being a godparent even entail? I mean maybe--" 

"Elsa." Anna slightly smiled. 


"You and Honeymaren will be everything this child needs." Anna grinned.

"Well... after you and Kristoff." 

Anna laughed. "I guess you're right. We should probably get back in there." 


The doors at the other end of the hallway burst open. 

"Queen Anna!" Said a solider that ran in. "It's Prince Hans! He's escaped!" 

"What?" Anna's face scrunched up. "How long ago?" 

"They were changing posts, and then he was gone. About ten minutes ago." 

"Well, he couldn't have gotten far. Find him. He's dangerous. And.... lock down the castle... no one goes in or out," Anna decreed. 

The soldier nodded and ran away. 

"What do you think he's planning?" Elsa asked as the two walked back into the dining hall.

"I don't know... but we have to stop it." 

Expectant eyes greeted them as the opened the doors. 

"Hans has escaped." Anna sighed. "The guards are on it, but..." 

"We should definitely do something. I won't let that Hans Westergård cause anymore torment to this kingdom. " Kristoff walked to Anna. "What do you need us to do, babe?" 

"Let's split up. Kristoff, you take Sven and Ryder... and Olaf... Elsa and Honeymaren are with me." Anna hugged Kristoff, putting her arms over his shoulders to do so. 

Honeymaren walked up to Elsa's side. "Let's go kick some bad guy butt." 

"If you find him, send one of you to find us. We'll do the same." Anna kissed Kristoff quickly before gesturing to Elsa and Honeymaren. "We'll start in the west, the men will start in the east." 

Winter Butterflies | (Elsa x Honeymaren)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant