Antique Steak Knifes

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A small smiled graced the originals lips "You look prefect darling"

"Thank you, I think this will do" she responded heading back into the dressing room.

Elijah sometime wonder what his life would be like if he never found Ryland, she was loyal to him, would kill for him and she loved him. However he knew as soon as she learned what the sacrifice is about she'll feel betrayed. The girl came back out of the dressing room dress in hand. Smiling at the original "thank you for the dress"

"You're welcome, come on we have a dinner party to attend"


  The extremely well dress duo approach the Salvatore boarding house. "I have a bad feeling about this Elijah" the blonde said in a whisper tone.

"All will be well dear, however if something does happen to me I want you to leave. Niklaus is coming, and he will want you" the original said upset.

Rylands eyebrows furrowed in confusion "Why?"

"My brother seeks power darling, you offer that" was his response. Ryland however didn't get to respond as they were already at the door knocking.

The door opened "good evening" Elijah greeted

"Thank you for coming please come in" the Salvatore replied "Ryland you look beautiful" he added with a smirk.

"Just on moment. Can I just say if you have anything less than honorable attentions about this evening is going to proceed I  Suggest you reconsider" Elijah warned.

"No no nothing dishonorable just a get to know you dinner" the Salvatore reassured

"Hmm well that good because, you know even though I have this deal With Elena if you so much as to make a move to cross me I'll kill you and I'll kill everyone in this house are we clear?" The original threats walking into the house with Ryland on his arm.

"Do we have to kill Alaric I like him" the young blonde whined causes the originals to glare at her. She held her hands up in mock surrender "fine fine kill everyone, I'll help hide the bodies"

"Crystal" Damon said shutting the door.

"Jenna wonderful to see you again, how are you, you look incredible " Elijah said once he noticed the strawberry blonde.

"Thank you" she responded as a blush graced her cheeks.


  Rylan sat bored as hell listening to the adults  talk On and I'm about the history of mystic falls. Of course she loved history such as the world wars the 1920s, even the civil war but, listen to Elijah talk about Salem witch's wasn't something she enjoyed.

"There's no tangible Proof that there were witches in Salem" Andie said breaking Ryland out of her thoughts.

"Andie's a journalist's big on facts" Damon supplied to the group.

"Actually according too lore, A wave of anti-witch hysteria broke out so they round up the all the witches and they were burned by stake" Ryland said said putting in her two cents.  "Some say you can still hear the screams before they were consumed by the fire" she continued.

A Different Type of Wolf// N.M Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat