Suddenly I wasn't so opposed to this buddy thing.

"Hi!" she said when she reached us. "I'm Alyssa."

"This is Sophia--" began Mrs. H, but I cut her off.

"Call me Soph." Now seemed as good a time as any to start getting a new nickname around. I hated my real name. It reminded me of my dad, and he was the last person I wanted to think about.

Alyssa's smile widened slightly. "Hi Soph," she said. 

I shook my head slightly as I realized I was staring.

Mrs. H coughed. "Alyssa has the same schedule as you, so she's going to help you find your way around our school for the day."

Now my smile widened as I stole a glance at her. Thankfully, she didn't see me check her out again. How lucky was I, meeting a hot, probably gay girl at my new school and getting to spend the day with her?

We walked out of the office together into a hallway right off the main entrance area. As we walked, I saw Alyssa sneaking glances at me. This made me smile internally. Now she was checking me out. 

She took a right down an unfamiliar hallway packed with people chatting at their lockers. I noticed that a lot of these kids were in groups bulging out into the walking space. I let go a sigh of annoyance as one kid shoved another right in front of us.

Alyssa heard me and looked over.

"This is the freshman hallway," she said. I nodded. Freshman boys were the same no matter where I went to school. 

Another one walked in front of me, laughing like an idiot. 

"Watch where the hell you're going," I hissed. 

He looked up, afraid, as he saw me, then turned and walked quickly in the other direction. Actually, scampered would probably be a more accurate word. Alyssa laughed softly, and that put a bit of a smirk on my face as we kept walking.

Alyssa directed me around the corner before asking, "what's your locker number?"

I looked at my class schedule. "3278," I replied.

She nodded, then turned into what must have been the junior hallway. Kids who seemed to be more our age were hanging around, not wanting to go to class. A lot of them had keys dangling out of their pockets, which reminded me of my car, stuck at my old house. I left it behind after my dad kicked me out, and now my sister had to drop me off at school. The memory made me shudder, so I tried to distract myself.

"Are you a junior too?" I asked.

"Yeah," she said. "We have the same classes, remember?"

"Oh yeah," I responded. "Duh."

We kept walking, passing classrooms and more kids.

She stopped and pointed. "There's your locker."

"Thanks," I said.

I turned, and she moved to walk away. But then she stopped, turned around again, and smiled at me. "See you around Soph." 

I smirked once more, letting my gaze travel over her again. "See you in first period."

She blushed, then turned and walked away, presumably towards her locker. I continued to watch her until I heard someone walk up behind me.

"Hello again."

It was the kid from earlier. I glared at him.

"What does it take for you to see I'm not interested?" I asked.

"Oh no I get it now," he said, pointing with his chin at Alyssa. "You dig girls. Something we have in common," he winked.

Did those words really just come out of his mouth?

He continued. "I just figured I'd introduce myself this time, seeing as we're locker neighbors."


"I'm Ryan."

"Ok," I said, moving to turn away.

"Wait--" he started, grabbing my hand, but I yanked it out of his grasp.

"Don't touch me," I growled. He jumped back, startled.

"Ok, ok," he said. "Sorry, just trying to be a friend."

"I'm not interested in making friends right now." I slammed my locker shut and stormed off.

I had walked halfway down the hallway before I realized I had no idea where I was going. I looked down at my schedule, seeing I had English 11 first period in room A319. When I looked at my map, I realized that was on the other side of the school. I sighed, realizing I would have to take a long ass walk to get to class every morning.

I started walking to class. People glanced at me from all sides. Two girls saw me, then turned and whispered to each other.

"Omg, is she a dyke? Disgusting."

Their words shook me. I tried to keep walking, but suddenly, their voices merged with a familiar one.

"You're filthy and disgusting Sophia! How could you choose this lifestyle?"

"It's not a choice Dad, it's who I am!" I said through tears.

"I will not support a DYKE! Get the fuck out of my house!"

I shook my head, pushing the rest of the memory away. I didn't care what all these other kids thought of me, and I didn't care about what my dad said. 


The tardy bell rang and I jumped, brought out of my daze. I realized I had walked past where I needed to turn, but now the hallways were practically empty now. I sighed. Not only had the painful memories, still raw and recent, resurfaced against my will, I was already late to my first class of the day.

I should've known my luck would run out.

The Switch Hitter (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now