It's always been you

Começar do início

(Like this but the stone is yellow for Mystiques eyes)

You mouth falls open "it's so beautiful! Did you make it?" You gawk, Hiccup nods "just for you." You engulf him into a tight hug, probably knocking the air right out of him "thank you so much, it's perfect." Now you were crying. You finally let go, Hiccup pulls the necklace out of the box gesturing you to turn round which you do, lifting your hair out of the way, you feel the cold metal rest against your skin as he ties the chain. "Hiccup!" A voice calls, you both turn to a villager running over "sorry to bother you but it's time for the meeting about trading."
"Oh yes, I'll be right there!" Hiccup turns to you "see you later birthday girl." He leans in, kisses your cheek, winks and walks away. Could that man be any more obvious ?

The rest of the day went by uneventful, after flying Mystique, almost getting thrown off multiple times for sneezing on her head, you head back into the house, Hiccup was there, sat at the table, starring at the same drawing. His face blank "Hic?" He looks up, his lips twitching upwards "Is that my nickname?" He asks, you just shrug and sit beside him "I thought about what you said today." He says softly "I think I'm ready to try harder and let the pain go." You don't say anything "I need to be a stronger leader." He takes a deep breath "but don't force it." You remind him, he nods "like I said, everyone deals with it differently." You say standing up "oh, you wanna go out tonight?" He then asks "where?"
"I duno, you like going for walks, why not that?" He looks nervous, you eye him up and down suspiciously "alright, when do I need to be ready by?"
"10 minutes!"
"Are you kidding me, Haddock?!? Only 10? I stink right now!" You yell bolting up the stairs, his laughter ringing in your ears.

"Aaannndddd....there we go!" Hiccup finishes re bandaging your arm "ta very much." You stand up shaking your arm slightly making sure it wasn't loose. Another violent sneeze jolts your body forward "oh my god!" You whine "can this cold do one already?" You try and sniff but with no satisfaction, you grab your cloth and blow extra hard "careful." Hiccup chuckles "you alright?"
You nod "lovely, let's go!"
"Why are we at the great hall?" You question "I need to check something from earlier, and no. It can't wait until tomorrow." He presses his hand to the door pushing it open "after you." You weren't keen on going in "why do I need to come in with you?" You stare at him "so many questions." He sighs with a smile "it may take a few minutes and I don't want you to get cold, now shoo!" He gestures you to go in.
The great hall was completely lit up. Decorated with flowers on the walls and the tables, shields with dragons lined up against one wall. One table was full of food and drink. You couldn't believe how beautiful it was, you gaze around the beautifully lit room, slowly turning as your eyes wondered the walls, then meeting Hiccup's green glowers. "Hiccup did you?" You couldn't finish your sentence "yeah, I want this to be a day you remember, for the right reasons." He was smiling so sweetly you felt like you were going to melt.
"HIYAAAA!" A scream suddenly echoes making you almost piss yourself "you idiot you're supposed to shout surprise!" a second voice yells, You turn to see the gang all glaring at Tuffnut who stood there as oblivious as always "well that didn't go as planned." Hiccup sighs "no, it's perfect." You look back at him, his cheeks flushing a deep red "honestly, this whole room. It's breathtaking. You didn't need to put so much effort in." You mumble "anything for my bestie." He beams you wrap your arms around his neck "thank you."

The evening sailed on smoothly, full of laughter jokes, just everything you could ask for. Astrid had made you a flower crown, with a mixture of white and purple flowers. You were overwhelmed. So this was love?
It was you, Hiccup, the gang, Valka, Gobber and all the dragons all enjoying the night, not a care in the world. The evening ended, Hiccup was carrying you on his back towards the house "I swear I've eaten so much I'm going to explode." You wheeze "I must weigh a tonne!" Hiccup snorts a laugh "you weigh nothing, even with a tonne of chicken inside ya."
You arrive at the house, Hiccup finally letting you down giving you the opportunity to immediately plop onto the sofa with a grunt "you staying down here?" hiccup asks "give me an hour." You sigh "I'll help you to bed." He sniggers wrapping an arm around your waist pulling you up "Hiccy." You laugh "what?"
"I heard Tuffnut call you that earlier." You say through giggles "has the wine hit you a bit?" He gazes you with amusement "no, it's just funny." You say sticking your tongue out, he laughs again "if you say so."
He helps you up the stairs but as you pass his room you slide out of his grasp pulling him through the door, falling back onto the bed, him landing on your stomach with a thud "oh god that wasn't a good plan. I'm still full!" You groan, pushing him off rolling onto your side "you are an idiot." He rolls his eyes trying not to laugh  "and you're in the wrong bed again." All he got in a response was another grunt as you roll back over patting beside you. He climbs on, flopping on his stomach resting his head on top of his folded arms, wide smile plastered on his face "thank you again for today. Honestly. You put so much effort into everything, this necklace, setting up the hall for me. I feel...just so happy." You say, sighing softly, Hiccup just stares at you, half of his face visible from behind his folded arm, he was smiling so wide you could actually see the crinkles on his eye, that seemed to be glistening. "Also, I need to be honest with you." You say, face going serious "go ahead, I'm always listening."
"The last few days, I have been pushing you away, feelings wise. I couldn't understand what you saw in me, I did notice all the small hints you were giving me but I still convinced myself you were just being nice and you'd never like someone like me, someone who always shuts people out. But today, something changed in me, I look at you and I feel so warm inside, you make me happy. I told you I needed to figure things out, now I know I have, everything I've ever wanted is laying here right in front of me, he was there from the beginning. I'm blabbering I know but" you pause, Hiccup shuffles and gently sits up, pulling you up with him, looking deep into your eyes "I love you too (y/n)" he says softly before pressing his lips to yours, and there it was, the sparks you felt the first time he kissed you that night. He was so gentle with you, resting one hand on your thigh and the other holding onto your burning cheek. Your lips moved in sync. You didn't want to stop. Ever. Tears began falling down your face connecting with Hiccups cheek, he feels it and pulls you closer pulling you to sit on his lap then he pulls away "it's always been you." He whispers "Im honestly glad you actually noticed my hints and I wasn't being a complete idiot." You blubber a soft laugh "I'm sorry it's taken me so long." You bite your lip "like you told me with my dad, don't force yourself. Things take time." He tucks some hair behind your ear "well this has been the best birthday of my life." You giggle, he hums in agreement then says "'ll stop referring me as just a friend now?"
"I might just do that, Haddock...sorry I mean Hiccy."
"I'm going to kill Ruff."
"*sneeze* oh lord have mercy on my poor fragile body!"
"Thanks for the shower."

Fire and ice (hiccupxreader) COMPLETEDOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora